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Percy POV

"Pewcy! Wake upp! I am hungwy!"

I rolled onto my back and groaned. I have been hearing this childish baby voice for the past hour. I finally opened my eyes to look at Chico who was staring at me and looked around confused as to who woke me up.

"Finally! You are awake! I am hungwyy!" The......kitten....talked. THE KITTEN TALKED!!

I scampered back in my bed and stared at him. "How can I understand you?!"

"I dunno, I'm hungwy"

I sighed and got out of bed, "guess we'll have to feed you then Chico" He climed on my shoulder as I stood up and I rubbed his head behind the ears prompting him to purr loudly and smiled.

Suddenly I remembered my dream..or a flash in my dream which looked like a woman. A powerful woman like a goddess. I shook my head forgetting about her and focussed on Chico whom I could apparently understand. I honestly found his kitten-talk really cute. Maybe I could understand him because I chose him as my pet?

While I was speculating on these thoughts my feet carried me towards the kitchen where I heard, "And the sea scum's here" I looked around confused as to who talked when I saw Sev's owl looking at me with disgust.

"Good Morning to you too Mr. Owl. Why did you call me sea scum?"



Everyone was staring at me, including the owls which looked extra scary.

Mamá was the first one to break out of her stupor, "_cariño_? How can you understand the owls?"

I told her about what happened this morning and saw as both mamá's and Sev's faces morphed into one of extreme confusion. Mamá's face was a little less confused but it was still...confused, anyways.

"All magical creatures know the ancient language that is Latin, and seems like you also understand it. It seems like Lady Magic blessed you to understand the Magical creatures and talk to them." Estelle, mamá's owl said.

I nodded in understanding and repeated it to mamá and Sev who also nodded in understanding and mamá looked at me with pride in her eyes which made me feel warm all over. "Pewcyyyy! Hungwy!"

Ah yes, the kitten was hungry and to be honest so was I, so we all sat at the table with Chico near my chair with a bowl of cat food and as usual prayed and then started eating.

After we finished eating, I and Sev rushed to our rooms to get our trunks for hogwarts as we had to catch the train to it today and brought them to the living room where we then waited for Lily and her parents to arive.

After their whole family gathered in our living room which unfortunately included Lily's very rude sister Petunia, we flooed from the fireplace to just outside Kings cross station and gathered between platforms 9 and 10.

"Alright everyone now, one by one you have to run into that wall." Mamá said to us and Lily's family looked at her like she was insane, but not us, we already knew how the partition between the platforms was an invisible gate of sorts into platform 9¾.

To show Lily's family that what mamá said was true, I ran ahead with my trunk in a trolley infront of me and Chico on my shoulder. I heard him whoop the same time I passed through the barrier and abruptly stop.

Concerned, I looked at him to find him staring with mouth agape at the Hogwarts Express. I had to admit I had never seen something quite like it. It looked straight out of a fairytale, which I suppose it is. Everyone gathered once again now in front of the Hogwarts Express and the parents kissed their childrens faces and told them to be safe.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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