Chapter 30 - Exodus

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A/N: Story has been #1 for choices for quite some time now, noice ^^


As the Alpha and now temporarily human-esque Luna returned to the Silver Arrow Pack with their Beta in tow, the first thing that was noticeable was that barely anyone was out there to welcome them back aside from Delta Jace and Gamma Edric.

"Your father is waiting for you in your office." Delta Jace spoke to Alpha Aaron, not even looking at Luna Kylie as he talked.

"Of course." Aaron pulled Kylie past the two men and headed to the Alpha's office. He briefly mindlinked Beta Kayden to bring the luggages to his and Kylie's home.

As they walked deeper into Silver Arrow Pack, the second thing noticeable was that the amount of people outside hadn't really changed much. In comparison to a usual day, the place may as well have become a ghost town.

Figuring it was probably out of spite after hearing of Luna Kylie's attempt to hurting Luna Olwen at the function, Aaron sighed to himself and headed on towards the office building, where he was more than prepared to receive a tongue lashing from his father.

He and Kylie entered his office to see his father staring out the glass, his back to them.

Aaron dipped his head, his eyes shooting to the floor.


Bradley said nothing, letting the silence reign within the room for about a good five minutes before he spoke a simple sentence.

"Almost half of the Silver Arrow Pack have gone."

Aaron dropped Kylie's wrist and stared at his father in disbelief, his face paling.


"A few days ago." Bradley turned around, his face stormy and eyes dark. "They all packed and left in the middle of the night, no warning and nothing left behind."

Aaron's mind blanked out in panic as the words sank in.

"...Why? How?"

On hindsight those were not good questions to start with, and Bradley slammed his fist on the table, startling both his son and Luna Kylie.

"Simple...everyone heard about that pathetic stunt that you-" He glared at Kylie, who shrunk back in terror without Kiara's strength to back her up. "Tried to pull at the function. And what's this I hear about Olwen now becoming the Luna of the Moon River Pack?"

"Dad, we don't know how it happened either," Aaron spoke up, stepping in front of Kylie. This wasn't really a matter of protecting his mate, but more of preventing his father from attacking someone unnecessarily again. "Alpha Landon claimed that he took her into his pack and they fell in love, but that-"

"Is not important now compared to what your stupid mate tried to do!" Bradley cut him off harshly. He stood up, his eyes changing colour as Bastian growled behind them. "Didn't you assure me you would work together with her to upkeep a united front for the Silver Arrow Pack?"

"Yes. I did." Aaron answered, trying to remain calm despite the amount of questions racing around in his head. "We tried, we really did, but so many things happened that were out of our hands."

Bradley scoffed, crossing his arms. "Luna Kylie still chose to embarrass both herself and the Silver Arrow Pack by trying to poison another Luna in the open. What kind of image is she trying to present?"

Kylie swelled at this remark, but couldn't find it in herself to refute Bradley's words.

"It's no surprise that the rest of the leaders agreed with dishing out such a punishment on her," Bradley continued, not feeling an ounce of sympathy for the pitiful looking she wolf in front of him. "Such foolishness is unbecoming of a Luna."

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