Break The Frozen

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Macaque regained his strength fairly quickly, and was already building a plan alongside MK. It was a wonderful ability the boy possessed, no doubt passed down with each past life and changing with each boy.

"If Mei sneaks close to the mech, she could destroy the glass casing. See, the mech needs a power source, and the reason Wukong isn't here and fistfighting us yet is..." The warrior grimaced at the thought. "Well. He isn't a battery, more accurately she's using him the way a leech would use a blood bag. She's collecting power directly from the source while still able to retain a soldier."

MK tapped the wooden floors, crayon carefully balanced on his bent knee, "If Mei breaks the place it's stored, she loses power. Uhhh, and this means Wukong'll be weaker, right? He won't be so inclined to attack!"

Tang nodded to the other's words, "That makes sense, doesn't it? And it might weaken her a bit more, too!" Macaque snapped his fingers at the scholar with a smirk, "Exactly. She'll have to release her host."

Pigsy hummed, "So, what do you suggest we do?" MK grinned, rubbing his hands together as paper was placed in front of him, "Well, I might have a few ideas." Mei clapped her hands together, "Spill, Monkie Man!"


It burned. And isn't it ironic, knowing that it was simply cold?

The warmth of his powers left his body, and despite being so gentle, it was far more painful than being shocked by webs. Maybe the Spider Queen had been merciful. Maybe she'd never know, never understand.

He watched, numbly, as golden light evaporated into liquid gold. He watched it drip into a crystal sphere. The same one that laid at the heart of the Lady's mech. He wondered when she would grow impatient and harvest his blood instead. Morbid, but he wouldn't ever dare to hold her at a high enough standard in which she would never do so.

The Lady loved power. It was the key to make the world hers.

"You are very obedient. Much better than the last Champion." The Lady cooed at him, and the king wished he could snap his teeth at her. How had Macaque managed? Or had he been screaming and spitting insults within his mind?

Focus, Sun Wukong. Stay awake.

The king felt his body wilt, but didn't dare let his mind wander off again.

Her Thrall watched from the sidelines, grinning with glee. The king looked away, he refused to become a blind follower. Not like the dead man. Not that the grinning man had any strength left, The Lady had taken back her influence before the king had reached her. And the man, now useless and vacant of any life and strength, simply grinned. Pleased by his sacrifice.

And, wasn't it disheartening, knowing she recognised the fact he would go after her all alone? But his Star was still out there, which meant it was worth hoping for a little longer. He just had to wait, and allow his tendency to destroy reign true.

At least he wasn't as useless as the discarded puppet.


The shadows opened, allowing the boy to exit. The top of the mech was filled with snow, and he looked back in time to wave a quick 'Good luck!' towards Macaque. His mission was to retrieve a frozen Nezha, for the boy knew he would be fine.

"Ah, here to fight me just as your mentor has?" The sweet voice appeared behind him, and MK turned around with a carefully calmed expression. He maneuvered his body, hand reaching out at his right towards the staff.

"No. I'm here to put an end to your 'Destiny' nonsense." He held his head high, ignoring the biting cold. He gripped the staff, glaring at the demoness. The Lady laughed, and lifted a hand up. Wukong appeared, splashing snow as he landed with a heavy thud. MK didn't flinch.

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