𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝟕𝟓// 𝐂𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬

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Nico ordered a bottle of champagne and a box of chocolate. The two shared while Nico read poetry to Will. 

“‘She was salvation. She was beckoning. She was everything I needed.’” Nico shrugged, looking over the book to Will. “What do you think?” 

I think you’re beautiful. “I like it. I never heard of comparing people to salvation.” 

Nico’s onyx gaze flitted over the pages. “I think I can relate to that.” A faint smile. “You and your friends…you saved me, if that makes sense.” 

“You and your friends saved me, too. Both literally and metaphorically.” 

 They shared smiles. Will was about to scoot closer when Nico laughed. “I found a steamy one.” 

“Read it!” 

“Hang on–” Nico flung himself across the bed, hand over his heart. “‘Their shadows met across the room, eyes looking deeply into one another as–’” He paused, then slammed his eyes shut and took a breath so he would keep it together over Will’s laughter. “‘–as hands and mouths began to roam over places they’d never dared go before–’ Does this even count as poetry anymore?” 

“That rhymed,” Will giggled. 

Nico scoffed. “Better poetry than this.” 

He grinned back. “Oh? You could do better?” 

“Well, no, but that doesn’t mean–” He glared at Will. “Why are you smiling at me like that?” 

“You’re going to tell me that you never tried writing steamy poetry at all?” 

“Nope.” Will’s smug grin grew, and Nico’s glare strengthened. “Stop. And that stupid one I sent you when I was drunk doesn’t count.” 

“That one wasn’t sexy. It was sweet!” 

Nico scowled, before a look of horror crossed his features. “Wait…did you keep it?” 

“Of course I kept it–” Nico groaned loudly, burying his face into the sheets. Will cackled. “You drama king.” 

“Drama prince, actually,” Nico giggled. 

Will smiled, laying down in front of him and tapping the book cover. “Going to keep reading?” 

A wicked grin. “Having fun?” He laughed as Will shoved him. “Alright, alright. But only because you asked so nicely.” 


They slept until morning. Nico awoke to lips on his neck. He smiled, turning to brush Will’s hair out of his face. “Well, good morning to you, too.” 

Will pulled him closer, his mouth traveling up to the shell of Nico’s ear. “You mentioned something about exploring the city today?” 

Nico hummed, tightening his grip on Will’s shoulders. “If you want.” 

He felt a hint of teeth as Will grinned against his skin. “I would love to.” 

They cuddled for another hour, until Nico decided to get out of bed, ignoring Will’s loud protests. “If we’re going to the city, we can’t be in bed forever,” he pointed out. 

Will gave a smile, before finally getting up after him. 


They walked through the streets, hand in hand. Some passerby would smile and wave, or congratulate Nico about the coronation, but otherwise the couple were left alone, which made Will relieved. 

Nico first took him to an orchestra. In their private box, the two practiced waltzing, talking in hushed whispers and laughing under their breath. 

They left by noon, and discovered an art exhibition. They quickly bought tickets and went in. Statues of gods, paintings of the palace and the forest… 

Some were portraits of Lou Ellen Blackstone, which made him feel a mixture of warmth and hurt, but he was glad she was getting tribute in such a way. 

They continued through the halls in content silence. Will could faintly hear someone explaining the art, but didn’t listen, eager to explore on his own. Until he saw one that made him stop in his tracks. 

“Is that Austin Lake?” 

Sure enough,the portrait of the young healer stared back at him, brown eyes fiery. His dark face was speckled with blood, locs wildly swinging behind him. In his small hand was the head of King Abaddon, the other a bloody knife. 

"Oh, yeah," a stranger said, as though this was old news. "He's a bit of a legend around here. What better way to remember the one who took down King Abaddon himself?" 

Will put his hands over his mouth, grinning to himself. “I need to tell him about this when I get back.” He turned to Nico, exaggerating a pout. “Please tell me you told him.” 

Nico laughed. “I didn’t know how.” He grabbed Will’s hand and pointed further into the exhibit. “I saw one of Michael and Percy. And you.” 

Will grinned again. “You’re lying.” 

“Come see for yourself.” 

Will let Nico pull him to the painting. It depicted the old Shade throne room in chaos, three people at the center of it. Percy had a look of god-like fury as he wielded his sword, green eyes alight. Yew was to his right, his expression a stony mask of determination as he nocked an arrow. Will was to Percy’s left, crouching and reaching for a sword, his face fearful but angry. There were a few minor nitpicks, like Michael's skin being a shade too light and Will’s nose being too small, but other than that it looked fantastic. 

Will let himself stay there for a minute. The memories of that day surfaced in the back of his head, but they didn’t threaten to overwhelm him this time. 

“I’ve been having dreams about Michael,” Will said quietly. 

Nico was silent for a moment. “What kind of dreams?” He seemed almost afraid to ask. 

“Good ones.” A faint smile. “Us walking through the city. Going to the orchestra.” He twirled the black opal ring on his finger. “You know…when Blackstone was at the Aureole Palace, I was tempted to ask her to raise his spirit for me. Just so I can say goodbye.” He looked back at the painting. “But I realized—Not only would it take a lot of her magic, but it wouldn’t help me heal. I had to let him go.” 

Nico nodded, pressing into his side. There was a beat of silence again before he spoke up, whispering. “I miss her. But it’s getting easier.” 

Will nodded. “I didn’t know her that well, but she was an amazing woman.” 

They exchanged smiles for a moment, before Nico took his hand. “Come on. I want to see what else this place has.” 

“Lead the way, love.” 

𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐈 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄// 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐨 𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐲 𝐀𝐔 Where stories live. Discover now