Disney land

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The penthouse

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The penthouse

It's 10 am in morning and everyone is finally waking up and they order food for themselves

They decided to go to the Disney land around 6 in the evening

Taehyung: Alright everyone, we're finally here at Disneyland! Where should we go first?
Jin: I say we start with Space Mountain. It's a classic!
Jungkook: Yes! I love roller coasters. Space Mountain it is!
Yoongi: Sounds good, but after that, can we check out Pirates of the Caribbean? I want to see the animatronics.
Hobi: Definitely! Pirates of the Caribbean is always a great ride.
Namjoon: And after that, we should hit up Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance. I've heard it's amazing.
Jimin: I'm in! But can we also make sure to go to the Haunted Mansion? I want to see if it's as spooky as people say.
Gemma: Good idea, Jimin! And how about It's a Small World? It's a classic, and the music is iconic.
Taehyung: Sounds like we have a plan. Space Mountain, Pirates of the Caribbean, Rise of the Resistance, Haunted Mansion, and then It's a Small World.
Jin: Don't forget to take lots of pictures, especially in front of the castle!
Jungkook: And we need to try some of the famous Disneyland snacks. Dole Whip, anyone?
Yoongi: Absolutely. Let's make sure we have enough time for all the rides and some good food.
Hobi: And maybe we can catch the parade later. The Disney parades are always so fun.
Namjoon: Agreed. Alright, let's get started with Space Mountain. Everyone ready?
Everyone: Ready!
Taehyung: Let's go make some memories!

Taehyung, Jin, Jungkook, Yoongi, Hobi, Namjoon, Jimin, and Gemma enjoying their day at Disneylands;
At Space Mountain:
Taehyung: That was incredible! Space Mountain never disappoints.
Jungkook: I could ride that again and again. The drops were amazing!
Yoongi: It was cool, but I'm looking forward to the slower pace of Pirates of the Caribbean next.
Jimin: Let's head there now. I can't wait to see the pirate animatronics!
Gemma: And maybe spot Captain Jack Sparrow!On the Way to Pirates of the Caribbean
Namjoon: Look at all these shops along the way. Should we stop for some souvenirs later?
Hobi: Definitely. I want to get some Mickey ears!
Jin: And don't forget to take pictures. We need some group shots in front of the iconic spots.

After Pirates of the Caribbean:

Taehyung: The pirate scenes were so realistic! And the water ride was refreshing.
Jungkook: I got splashed a bit, but it was fun!
Yoongi: The details in that ride are incredible. It's like being in a movie.
Gemma: Now, off to Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance?
Namjoon: Yes, let's see if it lives up to the hype.

In Line for Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance

Hobi: While we wait, let's talk about our favorite Disney movies. Mine's The Lion King.
Jimin: I love Aladdin. The songs are fantastic.
Taehyung: Beauty and the Beast for me. The animation is beautiful.
Gemma: I'm a big fan of Frozen. "Let It Go" is a classic!

After Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance:

Jin: That was mind-blowing! The special effects were out of this world.
Namjoon: Agreed. It felt like we were actually in a Star Wars movie.
Yoongi: Okay, Haunted Mansion next. Let's see how spooky it really is.
Jungkook: I'm ready. I love a good scare.

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