Niall is sick

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Kenzie woke up to her dad coughing bad and she was scared that she was going to lose him forever and she and her sister will have to live with one of their godfathers

"Daddy are you okay?" she asks as she comes into his bedroom slowly to check on him cause she was worried about him, and she didn't want to lose him cause she really loved her daddy

"Yes, princess I'm fine" he says before he coughs again

Kenzie was worried, so she called Uncle Louis to come to the house

"Ugh Niall what do i owe this phone call at this hour?" Louis asks as he answers the phone when he saw who was calling him

"Uncle Lou it's me" Kenzie says to him

"Hi, Kenzie, is everything alright?" Louis asks as he sits up cause this might be important, and he might need to come over to stay with the girls

"Daddy is sick" Kenzie says to him starting to cry cause she didn't want to lose daddy that night cause she really loves her daddy a lot

"I'll be right over I'll bring Uncle Harry too" Louis says as he gets out of bed to head over to Niall's house to help take care of the girls cause Niall was sick, and he could take care of Lizzy

"Thank you, Uncle Louis" Kenzie says to him, as she continued to cry cause she was worried about daddy

"You are quite welcome Kenzie I will see you soon" Louis says as he hangs up the phone and calls Harry

Kenzie hangs up and goes unlocks the door for Louis and Harry cause the band had another break between shows, and Niall was down for the count

(Harry's place)

"Louis why are you calling me at this hour?" Harry asks him

"Niall is sick and Kenzie is scared that she is going to lose daddy" Louis says as he gets his glasses on to head over to Niall's house to help take care of the girls while he is recovering

"I'll meet you over there" Harry says as he gets up to meet Louis over at Niall's place 


"Hey munchkin" Harry says as he scoops up Kenzie as he enters the house to see her

"Hi Uncle Harry" Kenzie says to him as she hugs him tight

"I'm going to check on the baby" Louis says as he goes up to the nursery to see about little Lizzy Horan who was whimpering as Louis runs up to her room to see about her

"Come on Kenzie I am going to put you back to bed" Harry says as he goes up to put the little girl back to bed

Kenzie did what she was told and went with her uncle to put her back to bed

"Will daddy be, okay?' Kenzie asks him a little scared for daddy's life that he was going to die

"Yeah, Kenzie he will be okay if daddy has to go to the hospital. Liam will stay with you and your sister" Harry says to the little girl as they approach her bedroom to put her back to bed

"I don't want to lose daddy" Kenzie says as she cries cause she really loved her daddy a lot

"Princess me and Uncle Louis will take loving care of daddy for you as well as you and your sisters" Harry says as he hugs her close cause she was quite upset and worried about daddy

Harry let her cry until she couldn't cry anymore

"Better?" he asks her

She nods

"Okay time for bed" he says as he tucks her into her bed for the night

"Bedtime story?" she asks him

Adopted By Niall Horan from 1D wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now