Chapter 6

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𝙇𝙖𝙮𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙞 𝙋𝙤𝙫

     I walked into my office and put my bag on my desk. This was my first real day at Parkwood and I was slightly nervous. Although I'm at Parkwood, I wasn't nervous about my work and designs. One thing about me? I'm extremely confident in my work. I'll accept constructive criticism and I know that I'm not always perfect, but my momma always taught me to be confident in my craft because confidence is key. What's got me nervous is my new boss. 


     Ever since I spent the night and cooked her breakfast she's ghosted me. I've called her and texted her with work questions but she hasn't responded at all. She can't avoid me forever though, her office is the entire top floor of Parkwood and my office space happens to be there as well, right outside her ceiling-to-floor windows might I add. I want to talk to her because why are you ghosting me and we have to work together for this new drop? I already had so many ideas that I wanted to tell her about but she won't pick up the damn phone.

     I ain't even realize that I was pacing until I stubbed my pinkie toe on the corner of my desk. I screamed different profanities as I fell to the floor and prepared for the Lord Himself to reach his hand down and take me to the pearly gates. I thought I was gonna DIE. I closed my eyes and started singing Take Me to the King until I finally gained feeling in my pinkie toe. After this near-death experience, I sat up and sighed. Almost dying made me realize that I have to focus on the now and that being doing what I love. I must lock in. 

     I turned on my phone and connected it to the speakers in my office and I pressed play on one of my playlists. As the melodies filled the air, I grabbed my sketchbook and a pencil and got to work. 

On a perfect day, I know that I can count on you

When that's not possible

Tell me can you weather the storm?

     I softly sang along as I let my creativity flow. I know that Bey wanted something with more of a 90s and early 2000s vibe, that I can do. I was focusing on some of the fundamentals of that era that buyers could wear with anything; bucket hats, parachute pants, bomber jackets, jerseys, tracksuits, and snapbacks. The peoples will eat this up fasho. 

Sunny days, everybody loves them

Tell me, baby, can you stand the rain?

Storms will come

This we know for sure

Can you stand the rain?

     I glanced up from my spot on the floor to see Bey looking at me through the windows. Coming in and not even saying hi? Crazyyyyy. She didn't even try to hide the fact that she was staring either, so I stared back. After a few seconds of intense eye contact, she quickly turned back to her computer and started biting her lip. Cutie. I just went back to designing this bomber jacket idea that I had in mind before I lost my creative flow for it. I already had an idea of the color schemes and fabrics that I could use for this project, I just had to put my visions on paper. As I created I lost track of time, I didn't even realise that I had been working for five hours until one of my favorite songs to dance to came on. 

I know you usually don't hear me talk like this

But I got a little game that I want to play

Are you ready?

     I hopped up from the ground and stretched real quick until I moved to the middle of my office and started doing the line dance. I. Love. Dancing. 

When I think about you...

I think about giving myself to you

Cause you that I want you babe


I will do anything

I know you're thinking the same thing babe

     I spun until I faced the windows between Bey and I's workplaces. I saw her staring at me again, but this time she looked like she was studying my movements and trying to learn the dance. She looked up from my feet and caught me staring and her eyes went wide. I motioned for her to come here and she looked around like she wasn't the only other person here. She pointed to herself and I nodded my head. She got up from her desk and did a cute lil jog over to my office and stood in the doorway. 

      "You know the dance Bey?" I asked while pausing the song and walking over to her. 

     "No...Could you teach me?" She replied while rocking on her feet. I simply grabbed her hand and pulled her into the office so that we can have space to dance. 

     "Okay so you start by stepping twice with your right foot like this," I explained. "Then you do the same with the other foot. Then you go right, left, right, left, right, left, right, like this,"

     I showed her step by step until she looked like she had it. She was so concentrated and it was so cute. The way she bit her lip and furrowed her brows while trying to match her steps with mine made my heart flutter. We did it a couple more times until she wanted to try it with music. I grabbed my phone and pressed play and did the dance and watched as she jumped in. She looked at me and grinned really hard. She was doing really well


     I went right and she went left which made us both go down. I didn't mind falling until she landed on the ground and I landed on top of her. The office felt hot as we held eye contact for what felt like hours. My body was pressed against hers and I could feel every curve of her body. I also felt that her heart was racing just like mine. I glanced from her eyes to her lips before I glanced back up to see her blushing with a panicked look. I quickly rolled off of her because the last thing I'd want to do was make her feel uncomfortable. She turned her head to look at me before she busted out laughing, which made me laugh. her laugh is perfect, just like her. 

     "I'm sorry Lay I thought I had it," She giggled while rolling onto her side to face me. "I'll get it next time though I promise,"

     "You better BeyBey," I giggled as I sat up. "While you're in here I need to ask why you've ghosted me. I was trying to show you these ideas that I had," 

     Her eyes widened as her cheeks flushed. 

     "I gotta gay-" She stuttered. "I mean go, I got to go I have work to do," She tried to get up but I stopped her. 

     "Bey you can't avoid me forever. Whatever you have going on with me, you need to figure that out, or else we're not gonna get any ideas and designs and stuff for this drop, and me coming here would be for nothing." I explained. "So before you try and run off and ghost again even though I can see you watching me while I work, just stay in here and look at these sketches I made so we can get started on the production of them,"

     She sighed as she nodded her head. Her eyes said she had a lot on her mind, but I decided not to press it. I grabbed my sketchbook from where it resided on the floor and flipped to the pages with the bomber jacket design. I'm gonna at least try and get some work done while she's here. 

Author's Note


Comment!! I love hearing your guys' thoughts and opinions! They really make my day. And besides, they may influence how the story goes. It's happened once and it may happen again.....

Stay fresh cheesebags <3



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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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