Lost Boy

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Alejandro woke up feeling terrible, there was nothing he could do about it either, it was just his emotions mixed with everything that was happening. He sighed as he woke up, looking at his hands that were clawed, not remembering baring them, and he manually retracted them. He moved his fingers to rub his tired eyes, looking at Harry who was probably drooling a little, he decided to not wake him up as he knew he'd just make him more exhausted than he already was. He gently pushed Harry's legs off of his lap due to Harry most likely stretching out overnight in his sleep, and he slowly stood up. He looked at his suit and then glanced outside, seeing the light shine through Harry's apartment windows. He had a feeling he should help around a bit more, he told himself that he wasn't doing good enough, and that's why his father's dead. The mask slowly covered Alejandro's face, Alejandro jumped slightly as he wasn't even thinking about it, he didn't even bother with questioning it. It is what it is. Alejandro popped his knuckles, preparing and stretching to get ready to swing around the streets for hours to see if he can do more and potentially take out his slightly building up anger.

He opened the door, and threw himself out the window, letting gravity build up speed before reaching his arm out to web to a building and swing up and away from Harry's apartment. He mentally told himself to prepare to work his hardest today, save as many people as he could, and maybe ask a couple of criminals about this 'Black Tarantula' and use them as a lead to a potential investigation. To the police, he's a missing man, but that was really it. Mentally, he was drained, but physically he continued to feel just fine. He tried to not let the overcast clouds bother him while swinging, wincing slightly at the sun's rays occasionally peeking through any openings. He shook his head, he tried so hard to listen as much as he could for anyone, anything, but it seemed it'll be a nicer day today.

Alejandro swung around multiple parts of the city, using his new built up energy to reach speeds he's never gone before. He eventually found his way to queens, his feet planting in the restaurant district. He tried his hardest to not think about his personal life, and began to think about the people around him. A woman's voice called his name, taking his attention. "Spider-man? Is that you?" Alejandro turned to look in the direction, completely forgetting the fact that his suit is black and orange now, so people don't really know what exactly it is. "Uh, Y-Yeah." Alejandro stuttered, seeing a very nice looking woman stand directly behind him. He turned around, politely facing her. "New look?" She asked, and Alejandro swallowed heavily, nodding. She was beautiful, really. Red curly hair, brown eyes, she wore a black leather jacket with a white undershirt, standard denim pants, and black boots. "Black looks good on you, tiger." She chuckled, playfully punching his shoulder. "See you around, maybe." She waved bye, continuing her stroll down the sidewalk. 

Alejandro's lenses were wide, he felt like he just had a look into heaven itself. He glanced at the concrete for a moment, catching his breath as he shamed himself in his head. Obviously, being the neighborhood hero had its perks, but it also brought him a lot of attention he felt like he didn't really deserve. He saw two little kids run up to him and beg for his attention, he laughed nervously, holding his hands out as he was technically a walking biohazard. "Uh.. h..hey, where are your parents?" Alejandro asked one, "Mine are over there! In that restaurant!" Said one, "I'm lost, I don't know!" Said the other. Alejandro looked in the direction one of the kids pointed to, seeing a seafood place across the street. "Look, I'll get you both to your moms and dads, okay? Can you stay with me as I help you two?" Alejandro asked the two children, they both seemed to be around five or six years old. "Yeah, yeah!" They both said, and Alejandro laughed nervously, nodding slightly. "Okay, okay. Look, who wants on my shoulders?" Alejandro asked.

One child sat on his shoulders, and the other held his hand as they casually crossed the street once it was safe to pass. Alejandro walked down a block, walking not too fast as he knew the child on the ground wouldn't be able to keep up with his walking speed. He felt no weight on his shoulders from the child, not minding their loudness as he had a job to do in the first place, to help them. They didn't seem scared, more excited than anything, but Alejandro felt some strange frustration as to how parents can't look after their own children sometimes. He used his free hand to open the door to go inside the seafood restaurant. The boy eventually managed to lead Alejandro to his parents, them exchanging some very short small talk after saying their drunken thanks in the bar, and Alejandro walked out slightly frustrated due to the parents' carelessness.

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