Echoes of the unspoken

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"In the echo of my throbbing head's refrain,
I yearn for someone I've yet to gain.
A longing embrace, too haunting to seek,
In the turmoil, words seem too weak."

"Terrible, yes, an understatement indeed,
To capture the depth of this silent need.
Home surrounds me, yet I am adrift,
Lost in emotions, unable to lift."

"Tears refuse to fall, though I plead,
My soul in turmoil, my spirit in need.
The urge to purge, yet I hold on tight,
Letting out seems to dim the light."

"So here I stand, in this silent storm,
Longing for solace, a sense of warmth.
In the mist of this chaotic track,
Yearning for peace to find my way back."
                          - by Serein Elysian

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