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Jin Woo is still on his office trying to absorb on what his mother told him. His drinking his whiskey with his tears keep flowing from his eyes.


"I don't believe you,  Eomma... You only telling me that because you didn't want her for me... You're so cruel,  Eomma for creating that story to make us separate. " Jin Won said.

Jung Nan take out an envelope and give it to him. "Just check it... And you will know how your father give me so much pain by choosing his mistress over his family." Jung Nan said.

With his trembling hand, Jin Woo open the envelope and see the sweet photos of his father with the other girl that looks like Jin Ah. He also sweet letters from Sun Ah to his father. His eyes started to get filled with his tears.

"Yoo Sun Ah,  that's her name. I did everything just to stop her for stealing your father from us. I begged her repeatedly but she won't stop. Until that day,  your father wants to divorce me and live with his mistress." Jung Nan said. Jin Woo didn't speak and he silently listening to his mother. "That day, your father...  Your father got into car accident... I feel so devastated when i learned that he's with that woman when that accident happened.  They both died inside to your father's car." Jung Nan said as she's crying.

Jin Woo look at her mother and feel pity towards to her. He immediately approach her and hug her. "I love your father so much that's why I keep this secret for how many years..." She said. Jin Woo try to control his emotion as he's trying to calm his mother. "But I feel that I started to loose you too because of the daughter of that woman... " Jung Nan cried.

Jin Woo feel there's a knife on his chest. Knowing his father's infidelity and his mother's suffering,  it's killing him inside.

End of flashback

His thought got interrupted when his phone ring. He check on it and see Jin Ah's name on the screen. He look at the phone while thinking if he's going to answer it or not then he reject it. He wants to be alone for now. He's so confuse and mad why fate is too cruel for him and Jin Ah.

He look at the pictures of his father and Sun Ah. Then he see the divorce paper on the table. Jin Woo throw the glass of whiskey on the floor and his emotions burst out.

Meanwhile,  Jin Ah is already at home when he's trying to contact her husband. "It's odd... Why he rejected all my calls?" Jin Ah said. She try to call him but he still didn't answer it.

Minutes later, when she received a text from him.

'Don't wait on me... Get sleep and rest... I'll be late... I need to finish some paper works here in the office...'

From: Jin Woo

"Oh! He's still at his office..." She said. She feel the coldness through his text. "Maybe he's tired and busy..." She said and ignored what she feel. She stood up and walk towards the kitchen to prepare some food as she decide to surprised him. She decide to cook his favorite meal and go to his office.


Yi Kyung is on her car infront of Jin Woo's office. She went outside and walk towards to the building.

She smile when the door is open and she see Jin Woo was inside.

Jin Woo rested his head on his swivel chair and close his eyes. This is hard for him. He loves Jin Ah but also his mother. To know how his mother endure that kind of pain, it's killing him.

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