"Divorce Paper"

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Side Story

Jin Woo gulped when he realize that he almost slipped from his mouth about Jin Ah's mother. "What do you know about my mother? I didn't tell you yet anything about her..." Jin Ah said. Jin Woo didn't speak. Jin Ah look at him. Jin Ah recalled how her mother cheated on her father. Her tears slowly escaping from her eyes. "You don't know anything about her..." She said. Jin Woo decide not to speak and walk passed through her to go to their room.

"Yah! Yoo Jin Woo... I didn't do anything that can ruin our relationship..." She said. Jin Woo continue to his walk while Jin Ah left alone in the living room. She seated and cry alone while looking at the pills in the floor.

Jin Woo punch the wall as he went inside. "What's wrong with you,  Jin Ho?" He said. He wants to believe her but he can't see any possible reason how the pills got into her bag. And the thoughts of her mother's word last time keeps running on his mind.


"Are you okay? Jung Min told me that you're not feeling well.. " He asked. Jung Nan is lying on her bed. "Eomma! Are you still mad at me?" He asked. He seated on the bed and reach her hand. "Can you please accept her as wife and daughter in law... She's a good woman,  Eomma..." He said.  Jung Nan pull out her hand from his hold.

"I also think that her mother is a good woman before... But look at what happened. She ruined our family. Your father decide to divorce me and live with that woman.. Did you know how painful it is?" Jung Nan said. Jin Woo understand his mother's feeling. "Eomma is all in the past now..." He said. "Aniyo! As long as you're with her, the past still haunting me. And Im scared that it will be repeated again." Jung Nan said.

"It will never be happened. Jin Ah is different from her mother. Please give her a chance." He said.

"Jin Woo,  she's her mother's daughter. Don't trust her so easily... Don't be deceived by her innocent face. Just like you, I thought Sun Ah as a friend and I do trust her but she steal your father from me... So please, Let her go... Find someone that will never hurt you." Jung Nan said.

End of flashback

Jin Woo look at their wedding photo in their room. "Jin Ah..." He said.


Present days

After that incident, Jin Ah spend her night to their baby's room and Jin Woo to their room. Jin Ah feel hurt and offended because of what happened that's why she decide not to talk to him for awhile and she try to focus on her mind to her work.

Mr. Han notice her.  Aside from being quiet the whole time,  she also went home late everyday. "Jin Ah... Are you okay? " He asked. "I notice that Jin Woo didn't went here to fetch you... Are you two are okay?" Mr. Han said. Jin Ah let out a small smile. "Yes,  we are..  Jin Woo is busy on his work..." She said.

Cheol Su heard them but he didn't convinced. He saw some bruise to her wrist the day after the night that he sent her home.

Meanwhile,  Jin Woo is always irritated even in small things. His staffs is also notice him but they keep their silence. Jin Woo notice how Jin Ah avoided him. She went to work early after she cooked his breakfast, she never text and call him during her lunch break and when he went to her work to fetch her. Mi do always telling him that she will come home late or sometimes she went home early. When in their house, Jin Ah is spending her time in their baby's room and she lock herself inside.

Jin Woo got startled when someone hug him from his behind. "Did I startled you?" Yi Kyung said. Jin Woo automatically take off her arms from his waist. "Look, Yi Kyung... Stop what you're doing and back to your office now..."He said. He was about to turn around when Yi Kyung stop him. "Chill! Im just here as a friend that you can tell your problems. You know what, we notice that you always not in a good mood. Tell me, is there something bothering you?" Yi Kyung said and seated on his table as she crossed her legs. Jin Woo look at her, "you don't need to know,  Yi Kyung... I want to be alone so please leave..." He said. "Arasso.... But If you need someone to talk to, I'm just here for you..." Yi Kyung whispered and kiss him on his ears.


Jin Ah rest her head on the table when she feel dizzy. "Hey! You okay?" Mi do said as she tap her on her shoulder. "Yes... I'm just a little exhausted..." She said. "Then go home and get some rest..." Mi do said. Jin Ah playing her pen while her head is on the table...

Jin Ah put her all belongings inside her bag and decide to took a half day. She went to their favorite park. She seated on Jin Woo's favorite spot where you can see the beautiful view of the mountain. "I miss you..." She said as she let out a deep sigh.

Her phone beep and she received a text from Jin Woo.

'Dont wait for me... I need to go to Gwangju today. I think I couldn't make it for tonight. Let's talk when I get back. Take care..'

"Yah! All of the sudden?" She said.

She went home with loneliness. And she stay in their room and hug Jin Woo's pillow and she smell it. "When you go back... Let's fix the gap between us..." She said while hugging his pillow.

After she take her bath. Jin Ah open Jin Woo's cabinet where his branded perfumes is located. She choose and pick  his favorite perfume. She was about to close it when an envelope suddenly fall to the floor.

Jin Ah pick it up and open it.

With her trembling hand. She reads it.

It was a divorce paper.

It's clear as the water.

Their names are on it.

"He wants divorce?" She said. Her body freezed for a second and her knees feel weaken. "Aniyo! Jin Woo wouldn't do this..." She said. She immediately reach her phone and try to call him. But he didn't answer. She try to call him again but she got shocked when he rejected her call.

"Jin Woo..." She said.



in Ah woke up and she still on the floor. She was crying the whole night because of what she found out. She still hold the divorce paper on her hand when she woke up. "So it's not a dream.." She whispered. Her phone suddenly ring and she immediately reach it assuming that it was Jin Woo.

She see Jung Min's number and she answered it.

"What?" She said. Her heart is pounding and she immediately run outside the door.

'Jin Won Oppa is in the hospital right now... He's got into car accident, Eonnie.'

Jung Min's voice keep echoing in her heads. "Ahjussi...please drive faster... I want to see my husband." She said to the taxi driver. She cries while holding to her wedding ring.


More side story

Sun Ah's POV

I thought I forget about him but it's not. I'd still love him. Yoo Jin Ho reappear in my world then my heart beats the same just like the old times.

I know this is not right but I want to be with him.

Every night I sneak to see him.

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