Chapter 96

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✨A ramdon rouge update✨

            "I'm okay," I swatted Pietro's hands away from the simple bruise that was forming on my leg. I had accidentally banged it against the coffee table and now he was worriedly checking me over.

"It's just a bruise, speedster," I rolled my eyes at him.

"You need to be more careful beautiful," he scolded.

"I have bad depth perception. It happens all the time," I whined. That sentence earned a glare from him.

"All the time?" he questioned, and I groaned.

"It's nothing serious!-"

"Do I need to carry you everywhere?" he threatened.

"Pie, no!" I objected. Pietro observed my face for a while until I felt my cheeks getting red from being under his scrutinizing stare. "I'm okay, babe," I assured. Pietro sighed and flung himself onto the couch, half on top of me.

"You need to be more careful baby."

"It's literally just a bruise, Pie, it'll fade in less than a week." Pietro resorted to pouting and I rolled my eyes at him again but couldn't help but acknowledge how adorable the action was.

"I don't want you getting hurt," he pouted after a few minutes of silence.

"It's not that bad, babe," I assured.

"What's not that bad?" I heard Loki's voice and a shiver slithered up my spine.

"Ollie hurt herself!" Pietro tattled immediately.

"A bruise!!" I exclaimed, but Loki's intense gaze was already settled upon me.

"Are you being reckless, pet?"

"It's not that bad!" I whined. Loki elegantly walked over to the pair of us and motioned for me to show him. I groaned but stuck out my leg for him to observe regardless. The bruise was still forming but it was small.

"I just bumped the coffee table," I mumbled. Loki observed the bruise for a quiet moment and then lowered his head and placed a gentle kiss to it, causing an involuntarily gasp to leave my lips.

"Pietro's right, princess. You need to be more careful," the words came out in a hushed whisper but still held weight and power. I couldn't help the small whimper that escaped my lips which immediately caused Loki's eyes to snap up to mine. 

✨Does this have an abrupt end? Yes, a bit, because I'm a dumbass and thought I had a whole extra chapter when I didnt✨

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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