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Valerie / Aaliyah

Back then If you were to ever ask me, what is the worst thing you have ever done in this world? I would look at you and sigh at how irrelevant the question was. Because how was I, Valerie King supposed to know the answer to that question, when I don't even know the answer to the question. But that was back then, and this was now. If you were to ask me the same question you did back then, I would look at you and I would tell you what I think, was the worst thing I have ever done. And I would say something along the lines of "The worst thing I have ever done would be to hurt someone, I still love because they hurt me" And then you would look at me like I was some insane person and you would be shocked by the answer because the answer was simple. And then you would ask another question, asking me if I'm sure with my answer and I would nod my head at you and say that I'm more than one thousand percent positive.

To hurt someone I still loved, that's exactly what I was planning to do. I wasn't going to think about his feelings, like he didn't think about mine. I was going to play his little heart and break it, like he did mine. I'm breaking all the rules because it was my game to play. He was the game, I was the player.

And all I had to do was simple. It was to win.

After the Audition of Under the Mistletoe video; 5 hours later

The wind blew across my face as I looked around the beach. The dark, blue waters crashing with each other coming to the shoreline. The water and sand mixed together felt good against my toes as I walked with my skinny jeans rolled up and my converse in my hands. I looked down at my feet, counting the steps I took. "Aaliyah, what are you doing?" His sweet voice said behind me. I turned around with a fake smile plastered across my face. I could see the concern on Justin's face as he looked down my feet, the cold waters hitting it.

"You could get sick you know, it's December and you're walking across the beach barefoot" I laughed at his expression oh, same old Justin hasn't changed a bit. Always worrying about other people's health maybe, that's one of the reasons I fell for him in the first place. "Don't worry Justin, I don't get sick a lot" I put my socks and converse back on to reassure him that I was going to be fine, and so he wouldn't freak out about it.

Let me explain, I was at the beach with my ex having the time of my life. Or at least pretending too. After I got the role to play Justin's main girl in "Under the Mistletoe" Justin's team decided that we should spend some time together to get to know each other better. Of course, I had to meet the team again but, they didn't know that. No one knew that I was really Valerie King, the girl who's heart was broken from the heartthrob himself, except for Steve and Aria. So here we were, on the beach together again. I kept asking Justin questions, he would answer them but I already knew them all. And every time he asked me a question, I would ignore it and go straight back to him.

"What is your favorite color?" I tried to sound curious and interested cause I already knew the answer. I knew everything about Justin. He looked at me appalled, like I was supposed to know the answer to that question. I quietly smirked to myself knowing that was the reaction that I wanted. "Have you been living under a rock or something? Everyone knows my favorite color, even people who aren't my fans" I rolled my eyes at how cocky he was being, Justin was like that every once in a while. "Well I'm not everyone so" I let my voice trail on and decided to play dumb. Justin just shook his head while a playful smile tugged at his lips. "You know you are one funny girl" We reached Justin's batman car as I turned to look at him confused. He didn't seem to notice because he walked straight to the drivers door of his car to open it. He was about to get in until he noticed that I was still standing there. "Well are you just going to stand there or are you coming?"

I ignored his question and shot one of my own. "How am I funny?" I scrunched up my face, something I always did when I was confused. Justin just laughed at quietly to himself, It was like telling a joke that I didn't get. "You're funny because you come to my audition, thinking that you were one of my fans, but there you are asking what my favorite color was" I raised my eyebrow at him, I still didn't get what was so funny. But, then again Justin never really had a normal sense of humor. Hell, he wasn't normal at all. I just shrugged my shoulders at him and walked to the passenger side of the Batman car, ready for Justin to take me to Steve's house, which I told him was my home.


It was silent on the way there. Justin kept playing with the radio station to find one that had a good song on it. I looked out the window and laid my head against the seat, closing my eyes. Thinking back to audition earlier and how astonished I was that he picked me. It just seemed impossible to believe. Even though I was really Valerie pretending to be someone else it really felt like I was Valerie with Justin. It was hard being around him, I felt as if I was reliving everything from my past all over again. And it all started with this one little audition.

I walked up that stage like I owned it, just like Steve said to do. Steve was right by my side with his hands on his hips giving a death glare at Justin. Justin stared back at him, and it was awhile before either of them said anything. "Oh, Goldie locks what are you checking me out for? I ain't here for you. I know I'm sexy and all but, I'm taken" Steve said and pretended to flip his short hair like he was a diva. I giggled and than my eyes locked with Justin's. I stopped giggling and I felt like I was out of breath. Seeing his face for the first time up close made my heart rate go insane. I felt the butterflies forming in my stomach and my palms began to sweat. I actually had to look away from his breathtaking eyes to introduce myself.

"I'm Aaliyah Perez, and this is my friend who came here to support me, Steve"

Just like any other interview, they asked a lot of questions. Justin kept asking the most, and when he did I didn't meet his eyes. Some questions I lied because it was related to what the real me would say, and some of the easy questions I told the truth. It was a little mixture of both and when they were finally done I was asked to step off the stage and take a seat. It took another one hour for the auditions to be done, it would have been two but Steve scared most of the girls away. And for some reason Justin kept whispering to Kenny and kept looking my way. I wanted to know what that reason was, but my question was answered when Kenny stood up from his chair and stood upon the stage in front of the girls waiting for there turn. Kenny grabbed a microphone to his mouth. "I'm sorry ladies, but it looks as if Justin has already made his decision on who the girl is going to be"

The girls in the crowd seemed to be pissed off and began screaming things "Who is this chick?! I'm going to kill her!" One of the girls yelled at the top of her lungs. Half of the other girls began crying at the same time. It was like there dream was crushed and all I could do was stare until somebody tapped my shoulder from behind and I saw him.

His blonde hair, that made my heart skip a beat every time. His warm brown eyes, that I loved so much. They were my favorite feature of him because you could easily fall into them and melt inside. His scent, which I inhaled a million times before hit my nose for the first time and made my breath be caught in my throat. I looked once more at his next amazing feature that were his lips, his sweet kissable lips that just made me want to----

"Aaliyah! I heard someone say as they shook me awake. I groaned at how rude they were for interrupting my thoughts just as it was about to get to the good part of his lips. "Go away" I murmured and tried to get back to the lips but the annoying person just wouldn't leave me alone. "Come on Aaliyah, wake up you're home" I didn't pay attention to his words at first, that is until I received the message into my brain. It was all coming back to me know. I quickly opened my eyes and almost jolted from my seat. I looked at Justin, and then I looked outside to see that we were in front of Steve's house.

"You feel asleep, and I didn't want to wake you cause you seemed tired" Justin rubbed the back of his neck, something he always did when he was nervous. I took off my seatbelt and nodded at what he said. I probably looked like a mess, and this conversation was so awkward. "Thanks...I guess" I didn't look at Justin once I got out of the car. I was about to close the door but his voice stopped me.

"Don't forget we are having dinner tonight to get to know each other a little more, Scooter said we should act as if we are really in love for the music video" I took in a big deep breath at the thought of having dinner with Justin again. Just like old times, but he didn't know that. "Yeah, okay see you later" I waved bye and shut the door. Justin didn't leave until I was fully on my doorstep. And when I was, he pulled out of the driveway as I watched him drive away. I reached for the door handle to open the door to Steve's house, but of course he beat me to it.

"Tell me everything!" He exclaimed and pulled me inside shutting the door.

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