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I was pacing back and forth all over Aria's room like a crazy person, my hands in my hair frustrated from the news she has told me over the phone. My mind couldn't let me believe that she was pregnant at the age of seventeen. How could she have been so stupid and so careless? I looked over at Aria who was sitting on her bed rubbing her belly. None of us had said a word since I got here from the shoot. What I really wanted to do was to be angry at her, to shout at her for being so immature but I couldn't bring myself up to it.

Instead I plopped down on her bed right next to her and sighed "Did you tell your parents yet?" Even though I knew the answer, I wanted to hear the whole story from her. No matter how much I was upset and angry at her, Aria needed a friend right now. "No, not yet I am afraid to tell them" I nodded my head in understanding. I have watched shows on MTV such as 16 and pregnant and Teen Mom and I hated them. The shows didn't show how hard it raised a child, it only showed the family drama that went down with each of the girls.

"You know you're going to have to tell them eventually right?" As soon as I said that, a slug frown came upon her face. She looked down and played with her fingers instead, I'm guessing she didn't want to think about what they're reactions would be. I grabbed her hand in mine "You know if you're scared to tell your parents, why not I just come with you?" I squeezed her hand for support. Aria looked up with the biggest smile on her face, and I couldn't help but smile back knowing that I had caused her to smile.

"Are you serious Valerie? You would really do that for me?" her eyes gleamed at the thought of the idea I had just mentioned. I shrugged my shoulders and acted as if it was nothing. "What are friends for eh?" Aria still had the smile on her face as she pulled me into a hug. "You're the bestest friend I have ever had" I hugged back tight and couldn't help but laugh. "You can always count on me" I whispered and began to pull away from the hug.

As soon as I did I noticed a slight frown forming across her face again. "What's wrong?" I wonder if pregnant people were always this upset? Talk about bipolar. "I know I can always count on you but, I'm not sure if you can ever count on me" My face pulled back into confusion. I didn't understand what she was saying. Aria had always been there for me, as I was for her. So why couldn't she now? "What do you mean by that?"

She hesitated before answering "Listen Valerie, for what I am about to tell you" I nodded my head wondering what she was going to say, as she continued on. "I know I don't deserve a friend like you, because I have been treating you so inadequate lately. I know you're not understanding what I mean by that but, for what I am about to tell you. I hope you forgive me" she whispered the last part.

"Aria, come on it can't be that bad I'm your best friend, I'll always be here for you" I grabbed her hand once more to show her that she had my word. But, Aria surprised me when she yanked her hand back and shot up from the bed. "No, you see that's the thing! How can you be there for someone who stabbed you in the back?" I stood up from the bed as well even more confused than I was before. I could feel myself getting frustrated wanting to know what she needed to tell me.

"Aria, nothing you're saying is making any sense" I tried to stay calm as possible but, I knew we would probably be yelling at each other soon. "I never meant for it to be this way and I pray to God that you forgive me" She started pacing back and forth around her room like I was doing earlier trying to grip at the fact that she was pregnant. I could see her eyes begin to water. I couldn't help but be a little angry and annoyed that she just couldn't get what she wanted to tell me out of her system.

"God sakes Aria! Just tell me already! I can't take it anymore, just let it out! Scream it out for all I care just fucking tell me!" I shouted at her across the room. Any signs of tears that were forming in Aria's eyes that were there before were quickly gone and replaced with anger. "You want to know Valerie?! You want to fucking know!?" She yelled back as she threw her arms around in the air like a crazy person. I would have laughed if I wasn't so angry at the moment. "Yeah, I fucking do, it's what I am waiting for!" I crossed my arms across my chest.

"Fine, the day before your audition for Justin's music video, I went to a bar and saw Justin there, I walked over to him and we caught up like old times, eventually we had a couple shots and a couple shots turned into a drunken night. We went back to my place and had sex and now I'm pregnant with his damn child!" Aria screamed at the top of her lungs, by then she started throwing things across her room until she finally broke down on the floor crying loudly.

"I'm so sorry Valerie, I never meant to hurt you the way I did" she said in between sobs. But, I couldn't hear a word she said because all I was hearing was the sound of my heart cracking.


I broke down on the floor crying after telling Valerie the semi-truth. I wasn't really drunk at the night of the bar, only Justin was. I didn't really care if Valerie was upset or angry that I hooked up with Justin but, I had to act like I was. If I was going to fake being her friend, I had to be a good actress. In reality, I hated Valerie with all my heart.

We used to be good friends before Justin came along, and when he did she stole him away from me. Justin was supposed to be mine but, little miss selfish had to snatch him right up didn't she? Once Justin asked Valerie out, I had to pretend that I was happy with the idea. When really I just wanted to sabotage the relationship so I did everything in my power that I could do. And so far all is successful.

I hired my cousin and oh so famous actress Selena Gomez to make Justin fall in love with her and cheat on her with Selena. I wasn't too thrilled with the idea of Selena getting my man but, since she was famous and everyone knew her, it would most likely be believable that it would pull off in the end.

And now I was pretending to be pregnant with Justin's baby to hurt Valerie even more. I wanted her to suffer and feel what I felt a few years ago when she stole him from me. I knew then I could never trust Valerie King in my life but the only way to stay close to Justin was from her. I don't regret anything from what has happened so far and I probably never will.

Valerie King watch your back bitch, because you will get hurt.


I laid down on my bed shirtless and in some comfy gray sweats. I had the remote in my hand and was flipping through channels to find something interesting to watch on television. My head rested against the head board of my bed and a nice cheese pizza laying on the dresser right next to me. I didn't even look up once I heard the bathroom door open, because I knew it was my fiance.

"Justin?" Selena asked as I kept flipping through the Channels. I let out a 'hmmmm' sound not really feeling the need to talk. "I need to tell you something important" I let out a sigh as Selena walked over to the other side of the bed and sat down. "Can't we do this later? I have had a long day, I don't really feel like talking"

I turned my attention away from her and back to the television, I turned up the volume a little higher than it was. But, it only seemed to piss Selena off and I smirked at that. "No this can't wait! It's really important! Are you going to listen to me or not?" I rolled my eyes and started at television some more.

"You really want me to answer that?" I was clearly annoyed and when I was annoyed, I got rude. "Fine than, don't listen to me!" I watched as she got up from the bed and marched straight to the bathroom. I got up from the bed knowing I had to go after her but, just as I was an inch off the bed Selena came back in this time with something in her hand.

"What's that?" I asked, but instead of answering my question she threw the object in my face and stomped out the door. "Ow! What the hell!" I yelled out to her as I heard the door slam from down stairs. I turned my head back towards the object that Selena threw only to realize it was a pregnancy test.

My eyes widened, as well as I quick intake in breath as I reached down toward the stick to pick it up. My heart was beating so hard inside my chest, I felt like i was going to get a heart attack. The stick had a positive sign on it.

Selena was pregnant.......with my baby.

I was going to become a dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2020 ⏰

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