Not discontinued just on hold 5/22/2024

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Hello my lovely readers. I have some saddish news for you. As you can tell I haven't been updating any of my works recently. That was mainly due to a family issue I had that hit me at the beginning of the year. Unfortunately instead of it being resolved fairly quickly like I had been hoping it had deteriorated instead. This means that sadly I will be putting my entire set of works on hold for the time being.

Fear not though I am not abandoning these works because I love them dearly this just means I don't really have a solid knowledge of when I can come back to update them regularly. I will be working on them here and there when I get the time but there is no guarantee that I will be publishing anything anytime soon. I am so sorry for all of you but I hope that you will be patient with me as I deal with real life issues and hopefully I will be able to come back sooner than later.

On the up side while I am away I will be revising my chapters and possibly rewriting them. This means better writing, spelling fixes and other things. I will also be rereading the original works these fan fics are based on and planning future events. Of course despite my leave of absence I will still be watching my works and responding to comments and questions so do not be afraid to reach out.

Thank you so much for following me on my journey of writing these stories and I look forward to uploading more content when I get back!

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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Anemoia ||Bungo Stray Dogs|| *On Hold 5/22/2024Where stories live. Discover now