Cp 11 Summoning

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Gilgamesh: *sipping coffee* So are you ready to hear the explanation?

Shizue sat next to him and nodded while she remembered him waking her up, saying they needed to talk

Gilgamesh: Well, I looked into my gate of Babylon and found these servant cards that can summon heroes from the past to help, and i thought about helping more people with the help of these heroes

Shizue wasn't that shocked since she and him always liked helping people, so to help more people wasn't that surprising for her

Shizue: *nods* I see, and these heroes, are they from our home worlds history?

Gilgamesh: Yes, you see, the heroes I would summon will be from our home worlds history, but the reason for these cards were meant to be for war where you can get a wish...

That surprised Shizue a little, but with how much war she has seen, it would make sense, but if Gilgamesh from ancient times was here, why couldn't other people be? Was what she thought

Shizue: *sighs* Alright, how do we summon them?

Gilgamesh: No need to worry, I have everything. Just hold onto me, and I will teleport us to a safe location.

Shizue nods and holds onto him, while a second later, they appear into a forest

Gilgamesh: Alright, give me a minute to make the circles.


An hour later, y/n stood back with the circles made, weapons or armor placed, and the cards put on the circle he started chanting while shizue watched, ready to fight just in case something goes wrong

Gilgamesh: *breathes in and out* "Let silver and steel be the essence. Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation  Let (colour of the catalyst) the colour I pay tribute to / Let my great Master (your ancestor’s surname) be the ancestor* Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall Let the four cardinal gates close. Let the three-forked road from the crown reach unto the Kingdom rotate.

I hereby declare.
Your body shall serve under me.
My fate shall be your sword.
Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail
If you will submit to this will and this reason…Then answer!
An oath shall be sworn here!
I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven.
I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell!

From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three greet words of power, come forth from the ring of restraints, Protector of the Holy Balance!"

(AUTHOR NOTE: This is the one I found online, so either use this or the video up above if you want either)

After a blinding light came, 21 heroes from all sorts of classes y/n explained to shizue about while he was setting everything up, made shizue look in aw

Gilgamesh: *smirks as shizue stands next to him amazed* It seems to have worked!

All the servants y/n wanted were summoned

Berserker: Lancelot, Hercules, Morgan le fay

Assassin: Hassan of the cursed arm, hassan of the hundred faces, Old man of the mountain

Caster: Tamamo no mae, merlin

Rider: Iskandar, Medusa, Achilles

Lancer: Cu Chulainn, Enkidu, Ereshkigal,

Archer: Emiya, Ishtar

Avenger: Jeanne D'Arc (Alter)

Saber: Artoria, mordred, Sir gawin

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