Cp 25 Finalizing war plans

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After everyone sat down, y/n was the first one to start speaking.

Gilgamesh: *Glances at Gabiru* So your father needs some extra help to deal with the Orc Lord?

Gabiru: *Nods* Yes! It seems father thinks we need help from goblins when we, the mighty lizard man, should be more than enough!

Shizue: *looks at Gabiru* Not to burst your bubble Gabiru, but if it wasn't for Gilgameshs, quick thinking. The ogres would be wiped out in just under a night...

Gabiru looked down, depressed at knowing that she was most likely right. Though ever since he was named, Gabiru felt like he could do anything. Because of that, he grew arrogant and thought less strategically and more with brute force. Causing his father to only look at Gabiru in disappointment than with pride.

Gabiru: *Sighs* Right... (I need to find a way to help Lord Gilgamesh!... No matter what!)

With him resolving on what he would do, Rimuru was the next to speak.

Rimuru: *Looks at them in human form* So do we know anything else about the Orcs? More importantly on how many there are?

Shizue: *Looks towards Rimuru* Gilgamesh has already sent someone to check on that. (Why does Rimuru look like me? Did gil make a body replica of me for him to use? Maybe a golem that looks human? Nevertheless I will have to talk to him after this...)

Unaware that he was going to be "punished" later, y/n spoke up before Rimuru could ask anymore questions.

Gilgamesh: I sent a servant of mine to check out the location a day ago, which I just received the information a couple of hours ago... The enemy has an army of 200,000, fully kitted with metal armor. It also seems like a Majin is helping them... (I wonder....)

While y/n was trailing off with his thoughts, Rimuru decided to speak up on such shocking news.

Rimuru: Jeez, that's a lot... I don't think we have a chance against that many... (I may need to evacuate the village if it gets worse...)

Rimuru didn't want to make everyone move, but with THAT many orcs. It was the only viable option for them. Even though Rimuru was confident he could beat maybe a thousand, he knew that he had no chance against that many.

Collecting his thoughts, Gabiru was the next to speak up about their situation.

Gabiru: I can see why father wanted help so bad, it would be impossible to survive against that many...

Deep down, Gabiru didn't want to admit it, but while he may be stronger than his father, he wasn't as wise as his father was. This was the key reason why Gabiru wasn't appointed chief by his father since, in his father's eyes, he had a long way to go before Gabiru could be chief.

However, before y/n could think further, his servant he had doing recon had messaged him. With a sigh, he answered.

Gilgamesh: [What is it, Hassan?]

Hassan of the cursed arm: [It seems a dryad wants to meet with you, should I kill her?]

Gilgamesh: [No... Send her to me. She is no threat towards me...]

Dismissing the call, y/n spoke up and told them what he had just found out.

Gilgamesh: *Coughs getting everyone's attention* It seems like a dyrad wants to speak in this meeting.

While it didn't really surprise Shizue, Gabiru grew shocked at hearing that while Rimuru immediately started fantasizing about it.

Rimuru: *Daydreaming* (Aren't those the super hot tree spirits you see in video games!) R-Really? And here I thought they only existed in video games!

Before y/n could retort, a glowing green light appeared in the middle of the room, catching everyone's attention.

Once the light faded away, a green haired woman with vines surrounding her stood where the light once was. Making everyone realize it was the said dryad they were told about.

With a smile, the dryad was the first to speak in the awed silence made by Gabiru and Rimuru.

Treyni: It's a pleasure to meet you, King of Heroes and friends of said king. I am called Treyni.

Gilgamesh: *Looks at her with half closed eyes* It's an honor to meet you as well, dryad. I wonder, what purpose have you come here for?

Treyni smiled at him, clearly pleased by his deduction. With an eye closed smile, she continues on what she came here to ask.

Treyni: Gilgamesh, King of Heroes. I ask of you on behalf of all of the Jura Forest, *bows slightly* Please defeat the Orc Lord!


Currently, in a dark part of the Jura Forest, we can see a masked Majin speaking to someone in a crystal ball. Upon closer inspection, it was none other than Cayman, the Marionette Master!

Gelmud: *Holding the crystal ball* Everything is going according to plan... Though I have received some troubling news, Lord Clayman!

Clayman: [And what pretail would that be?]

Gelmud: *Shakes slightly* It seems like the King of Heroes is in the forest! Most likely because of the Orc Lord!... What should we do about him?

Clayman: [ *Smirks* You don't have to worry, I have just the thing to deal with that golden haired menace!... Just continue as planned, backup will arrive to deal with him soon enough!]

Gelmud: *Nods* Alright, I will continue as planned, Lord Clayman!

Clayman: [Right, I almost forgot, don't call me again until the mission is over. I will be having "guests" soon enough.]

While Gelmud was confused about what he meant by that, Clayman simply hung up after he finished speaking. Leaving Gelmud all alone in the forest.

Gelmud: *Smirks evily* Hehe~! Soon, the world will bare witness to a new demon lord!

All Gelmud cared about at the end of the day was power. No matter what he had to do, Gelmud would do anything to obtain power! This is why Clayman sent him instead of one of his other "Fingers."

After he finished laughing, Gelmud started walking away with only thought, occupying his mind.

Gelmud: (This should definitely earn me favor from Lord Clayman to give me more power!)


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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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