Cp 24 Meeting Gabiru

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After a couple minutes of walking, Rimuru and y/n arrived at the front gate. They both saw Shizue, Kavals party, and a bunch of goblins from the village looking at a bunch of armed lizard men.

Rigurd: *Spots Rimuru and runs up to him* Lord Rimuru!

Rimuru: *Jumps from y/ns shoulder to Rigurds* What's going on? (I feel like I am a trouble magnet or something...)

Rigurd: *Glances at the Lizard men* It seems they wanted to meet the leader to discuss something-

Before Rigurd could finish, the Lizard men started beating there staff's on the ground while they stepped aside for a certain Lizard man who was riding on another Lizard like creature.


Which from the size of his aura alone made Rimuru on guard while y/n looked on in boredom.

While sensing Gabirus aura, Rimuru asked Great Sage.

Rimuru: *Afraid a little* (H-How strong am I compared to his aura Great Sage?!)

Great Sage: Notice: The aura that is radiating from the Lizard man is ten times stronger than yours... Caution is advised!

That made the slime sweat a little, knowing that he needed to make sure nothing happened to the village.

Though unlike Rimuru, who was afraid and on guard, y/n just felt bored out of the display for one simple reason.

Gilgamesh: *Bored* (Seeing it in person is much more boring than watching it...)

Even though it was a stupid reason, y/n couldn't be bothered to care since when he first found Gabiru on his travels through Jura.

Y/N took pity on him and decided to help him since he did need someone to give him updates on what happened in the jura forest... So, with a "kind" heart, he gave the Lizard man a name. Though he didn't really expect Gabiru to grow as much as he did in strength just from him naming the Lizard man.

Gilgamesh: (Even though that outcome was shocking, I still gained from it in the end...)

Before y/n could continue reminiscing, Gabiru got off his lizard and spoke up.

Gabiru: *Poses* I am the Great Gabiru! Today onwards, you will serve under me! Consider it a great honor!

Rimuru: *Slimes eyes twitches* ("Serve Under you" "Consider it a great honor"! This guy is insane! Like that would be a great honor at all!)

While Rimuru was yelling in his head, Shizue walked over to y/n and asked.

Shizue: *Stands beside y/n* Are you not going to make yourself known?

Gilgamesh: *Sighs amusingly* Fine. I was just enjoying the jester...

Shizue: *Nods* Right... (Gabiru seems just as assentric as last time...)

The only real reason Gabiru got his name was because Shizue asked y/n to. Which not being able to resist a request from his wife, y/n agreed begrudgingly.

With another sigh that escaped his lips, y/n walked over to Gabiru, which made all the other Lizard men look on in surprise at who was here at the moment.

Though Gabiru was still in his own world and failed to notice until y/n was right in front of him.

Gilgamesh: *Stares at Gabiru* Is that how you act in front of the one who gave you your name, Gabiru?

Gabiru froze once he heard the voice, knowing who it belonged to. He had only one thought.

Gabiru: *Still as a statue* (L-Lord G-Gilgamesh is here!!?)

After that thought, Gabiru immediately got out of his pose and bowed immensely, hoping to get forgiveness from his lord. Though Rimuru and everyone else looked on in confusion or surprise.

Gabiru: *Bows the lowest he can* L-Lord G-Gilgamesh! I-It's such an honor to see you here!

Gilgamesh: *Slightly amused* And now you are trying to change the subject? You think now that you have power, you can make me serve you?

Gabiru immediately started sweating bullets, now knowing that he needed to do anything to make up for his poor choice of words.

Gabiru: *Shaking* O-Of course not! I would never dream of such a thing! I-I was just joking, that is all!

Gilgamesh: Hmm... And what is your purpose for coming here anyway...

Honestly, y/n was confused since Gabiru shouldn't need goblins since his power is ten times as strong as his original counterpart. Though Raphael decided to answer that for him.

Raphael: Report: it seems like the individual known as Gabiru doesn't know he has such power...

Gilgamesh: ...... (I have no words....)

Even after gifting the stupid Lizard man with a name, Gabiru still was an idiot! Before he could think further on the matter, Gabiru spoke up.

Gabiru: *looks up* My father insisted on getting them for extra help against the Orc lord!

Gilgamesh: *Hums slightly* I see, well come inside. We have much to discuss... (and while he is here, I should give him some "training" before he departs!)

Not noticing the creepy smiles that formed on y/ns face, Gabiru nodded immediately and started following y/n inside. Knowing that he needed to understand what was happening.

Seeing that their leader was busy with the situation, they decided to secure the place while they discussed what was going to happen going forward. Rimuru, on the other hand, could only be stunned at what just happened.

Rimuru: *Stunned* (Y-You mean that idiot was named by Gilgamesh!?)

Great Sage: Report: it seems the individual has trace amounts of Gilgameshs aura around him!

Not being able to take anymore crazy, Rimuru just hopped after y/n and Shizue so he could be involved in the conversation about what they were going to do about the Orc Lord. Though not before he gave Rigurd orders on what to do while he was busy.

It only took a couple minutes for everyone to dissipate and continue on what they were doing while their leaders talked about the Orc Lord.


While walking to a nearby building, Gabiru only had one thought racing through his mind...

Gabiru: *Walking behind Gilgamesh and Shizue* (Why is both Lord Gilgamesh and Lady Shizue here? Is the Orc Lord that great of a threat that he warranted Lord Gilgameshs attention?)

Deciding not to dwell on it, Gabiru shook his head and continued following the couple with an open mind. Or at least with an open enough mind as it would get.


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