a new friend|four

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Broomsticks & New friends

Later that week, Zi and Draco sat at a free table outside under a tree which was secluded from many. It was the perfect place for a peaceful uninterrupted reading lesson, and so the two boys used this free period just for that.

“Okay, now let’s try the title first,” Draco said, turning over a wizard children’s book for Zi to read

Zi studied the words for a moment before glancing up at his cousin who offered him a small encouraging nod,”Sm-sm-sma-ll, small wiz-ar-wizar-ds, wizards..” Zi struggled, trailing off at the next word

“It’s okay, you’re doing good, Zi,” Draco told him, a small smile on his lips and moved to sit right next to his cousin, he then took Zi’s finger and traced the word as he spoke it,”Gu-i-de, guide, say guide,” he instructed

“Gu-ide, guide,” Zi repeated slowly, as he quill began to write on a sheet of paper the meaning of the word

“Excellent, now try it all together,” Draco said, his cousin nodding softly with deep concentration on his face

“Sm-small wi-zar- wizard gui-de, small wizard guide,” Zi stated slowly but clearly, causing Daraco to give him a proud smile,”May Zi try the next part?” he questioned, earning a nod

“Of course,” Draco responded, and waited patiently as Zi studied the next set of words

“St-st-st-o, sto-ne-stones, stones an-d and h-her-herb-s, herbs. St-stones and he-herbs,” Zi said, his words stumbling but eventually getting it right

“Good job, little Zi,” Draco congratulated, giving him a proud nod,”All you need is good practice and you’ll be an excellent reader,” he told him as Zi’s eyes brightened up

“Truly?” Zi questioned, a small smile on his face but before Draco could answer footsteps were heard near them causing them both to turn

The culprit turned out to be Harry Potter, the boy who lived. He looked anxious yet determined as Draco glared at him.

“What do you want, Potter?” Draco spat, though the potter boy wasn’t looking at him at all

“I’m here to speak with Riddle, not you Malfoy,” Harry stated, surprising Zi who had never spoken to him before

“What do you need to speak to him for? Corrupt him with the light and make him choose your side? Did your parents tell you to make close relations with him? Well I won’t stand for it, Zi won’t be your pawn, Potter,” Draco snapped, and quickly grabbed their stuff and Zi’s hand,”We’ll be leaving now, do not follow us,” he bit and walked away pulling his cousin with him

Zi glanced back at Harry as he walked away, and for a moment they met eye contact. The golden flakes in both their eyes shining slightly as a small wave of peace moved through them.

Harry sighed as he failed to converse with Zi. It was true what Draco had said. His parents did want him to trick Zi into a friendship to use him as a pawn for the light side.

He himself was against this but he didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. His entire life was commanded by them and them alone. He was the boy who lived and he was forced to do any and all he was told by the light side as it was his “duty”, his “purpose” to serve the light and rid the wizarding world of the darkness that lies within.

But truthfully, he just wanted to go to school and make true friends. He wanted to actually get to know Zi and not use him.

Riddle was intriguing for Harry. He had so many questions, like why everytime they made eye contact he felt nothing but pure peace? Like how did it feel to know everyone thought he was evil? Like where had he been for all these years?

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