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Yesterday's dream was a part of Seokmin's memories but was it the entire truth?

Seokmin went to the shore to watch the waves dance and gain peace. However, the sound of sudden footsteps reached Seokmin's ears. Seokmin turned around to meet The man whose name he didn't know yet. "Thanks for saving my husband", Seokmin spoke while the other man stayed there seeing the ocean. 

"Star Crossed Lovers met with a sad fate, is what you were", the other man spoke making Seokmin face him. "The dream of yesterday is not your whole memory", the man continued and Seokmin let him. "Did I kill soonyoung in the past?", Seokmin asked eager to know. "He killed himself by protecting you", the man answered. Seokmin had his head down. "Silver tail cherry lips rosy cheeks", doesn't it occur to you?", the man spoke and Seokmin looked at him surprised. "Isn't that you?", he asked and the man smiled. "That isn't the entire truth", the man said confusing Seokmin. "Just say me straight don't go around the bush", Seokmin said and the other man stood up. "In short I made a mistake once and this is the punishment am facing", the man continued.

Seokmin wanted answers and not this man's roundabout talking. "In short the one your looking for is Soonyoung, the mermaids Soonyoung. Soonyoung is the one you are meant to be but I happen to be a part of your life too", the man answered making Seokmin look back in shock. 

Memories flooded Seokmin One by One.

The first time, he remembers seeing soonyoung being surrounded by humans. A vulnerable creature. The humans talked about the fortune Soonyoung would bring if they used him. "My lord the village men have caught something worth a fortune", a man hissed to Dokyeom making Dokyeom look at him in horror. When Dokyeom's eyes first met Soonyoungs, Soonyoung fell in love. When Dokyeom left Soonyoung at the sea there was a promise lingering about how the town head would meet the mermaid every day.

The town head did keep his promise of meeting the mermaid every day but were all happy? his wife definitely wasn't. It raged her about how her husband sneaked out to meet a creature that was supposed to be dead so she leaked the mermaid's location.

That night DOkyeom was supposed to tell the mermaid he liked him but instead, he was met with a bunch of guys and SOonyoung caught in the net. He saw his wife too. His wife looked down with guilt. "How could you", Dokyeom started but the fight continued. Dokyeom was just one but there were many he was bound to get hurt. But when he was supposed to be seriously injured and the knife was supposed to strike him instead Soonyoung took the hit for him. The last words the mermaid said was "I promised I would never leave you, my lord". Dokyeom couldn't have it so he pierced the knife to himself as well.

With both the mermaid and Town head dead, the wife lived in misery. She wished in next life she was the mermaid the town head would fall for.

Seokmin tears were a cascade. "though I was gifted with a silver tail and cherry lips like I wanted in last life, the mermaid found you first", the, man said making Seokmin look at him. "This is not the first time I have been watching you. even in this life where our bodies were exchanged you still found him first and even your tears were shed for him. though am reborn as many things, I cant still be yours", the man said smiling but it showed immense pain. 

"Go to him and these memories which were triggered by me shall perish", the man chanted and Seokmin found himself in the room beside Soonyoung and Chan. His eyes were droopy and the world started spinning. "You shall forget everything and lead a happy life", he heard the same honey voice and then everything went blank.

I hope this is not weird and plus idk what i wrote and many would not have liked it

last chap to go stay tuned~~~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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