Chapter 5

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Kim pov..

Kim come out and see some people already coming into the gallery.. Porsche smile as Kim starts to talk.. Kim then say.. 'The reason why this building have an art gallery here is because of my partner,Porsche Kittisawat' Everyone was looking at Porsche and smile at him...Kim then continue.. 'Also, I want this gallery to be known more... Art should be appreciated not wasted..And I hope that people will always love art...Thank you.. 'Everyone clap their hands as Kim is done talking.. Porsche clap his hands as well and feel proud of Kim... Suddenly, the light turn off... Kim then ask..' What's happening here? Why the light suddenly turn off? 'The light suddenly turn on again.. Kim feel a bit shock as he see Vegas is standing right in front of him... Porsche also feel shock and look at Kim with a worry expression.. Vegas then take out his knife and see people start to leave the gallery... Pol come up from behind follow up by Macau and Tem... Vegas smirk and put the knife to Kim's face and say.. 'Hello there.. Kim Kimhan..' Vegas groan in pain as Arm hit his head with a small log wood... Vegas fall on the floor while Arm quickly pull Kim out from the gallery.. Porsche also run away using another direction... Vegas then stand up and smirk... Vegas give a signal to Pol.. Pol nod and chase after Arm and Kim..As Kim and Arm manage to escape... Porsche appear out of nowhere and try to distract Pol attention and ask.. 'Phi! You also love art? Why did you come here?' Pol feel annoyed and push Porsche away but fail as Porsche keep distracting Pol attention.. Pol then pull out his gun and about to shoot Porsche's head and say.. 'Don't mess around with me idiot!!' Porsche flinch and look at Pol.. Vegas then say... 'Enough Pol..' Pol roll his eyes and continue to chase after Kim and Arm.. Porsche then feel shock as he see Vegas walk away...

Meanwhile at Songsit office...

Kim pov..

Kim is sitting in the meeting room with Karn and Pirena... Pirena is busy looking at her nails while Karn is silent... Pirena then say... 'You are so reckless Kim... How a person like you can be a CEO for this company?' Karn then say... 'This shouldn't suppose to happen Kim... You almost died just now.. Luckily Arm was with you.. Otherwise.. I don't know what will happen.. If this thing happen again.. I will hire a bodyguard to follow you Kim..' Pirena roll her eyes and say.. 'Sweetheart.. This boy aren't a kid anymore... Stop worrying about him.. It's not even worth it...'

Rina then come towards Kim and hug Kim gently from behind and ask.. 'Are you alright hmm?' Kim smile at his aunt then say... 'Aunty Rina...' Rina then look at Pirena then say.. 'I hope you will be careful with your words Pirena... Be grateful because Karn chose you.. But I will make sure that this company won't fall into a wrong person.. Remember that..' Pirena roll her eyes and say.. 'Sweetheart.. Let's have a lunch together..Im hungry...' Karn and Pirena then leave the meeting room... Kim sigh heavily and hold his head... Rina look at Kim with a worry expression and say.. 'Please be careful na kha... Im so worried about you na kha... I thought I already lost you today...' Rina stroke Kim's head gently and look at him.. Kim then say.. 'Im sorry aunty.. I didn't mean to make you feel worried about me...' Rina then sit beside Kim and say.. 'You need to be careful Kim... This company should belongs to you.. I still don't understand why that old man wants to marry that witch...' Kim smile and say... 'Im glad that you are here with me aunty Rina.. Thank you so much...' Rina hold Kim's hand and say.. 'I guess.. You should go to Uncle Chan' s house.. He must know about this matter...'Kim nod and reply back...'I will go there with my friend.. He is waiting for me...' Rina smile and reply back.. 'Call me if you need anything na kha...' Kim kiss his aunt's cheek gently and leave the company.. Rina hold her head and think about Kim... Rina then say... 'Everything will be ok Rina... Don't overthinking...' Rina then stand up and leave the company too..

Meanwhile at Chan's house

Kim and Porsche are sitting together at the table with Chan... Chan smile and ask.. 'How are you doing Kim?' Kim then say... 'Im fine uncle Chan....' Chan smile as he look at Porsche then ask.. 'What's your name hmm?' Porsche then bow his head and say.. 'Sawadeekap.. My name is Porsche krub.. Nice to meet you Mr Chan..' Kim smile as well and say.. 'Uncle.. There's something that I need to tell you..' Chan then ask.. 'What is it Kim?' Kim take a deep breath and say.. 'I almost got killed at the gallery by Vegas today..' Chan feel shock and reply back.. 'I knew it... Someone isn't happy for you... That's why you keep having this problem..' Kim then ask.. 'Is this a main reason you stopped working at my father company Uncle Chan?' Chan sigh heavily and say.. 'I want to protect you from them Kim... Karn want you to take the position in the company but Pirena didn't allow it.. I guess.. This thing happened because of her since Pirena dislikes you, Kim...' Porsche then ask.. 'Is there anything that we can do for now?' Chan then say... 'You also might get kill Porsche..' Kim then say.. 'Don't risk your life Porsche.. I will handle this matter by myself..' Suddenly.. Chan's phone is ringing.. Chan then take out his phone and see Thanya's name on it then answer the call and say.. 'Hello Thanya? Where are you? Kim and his friend is already here..' Thanya then say.. 'I will be there in 5 minutes na kha...'Chan then say..' Be careful na krub..See you later.. 'Kim expression change all of a sudden and stand up.. Porsche then ask..' Kim.. Where are you going? 'Kim then say..' Porsche.. Let's go home... 'Chan then say..' Kim.. Your fiancee will be here in 5 minutes... You two haven't meet for a while.. Thanya also worried about you na krub.. At very least.. Please stay here for dinner...'Amihan also come from behind and say..' Yes Kim.. Stay here with us for dinner...'Porsche feel speechless and look at Kim... Kim then look at Porsche with a guilty expression.. Porsche then say...' Please excuse me for a while.. 'Porsche then stand up and walk out from the house..

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