Chapter 37

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At art gallery (Rooftop)

Porsche pov..

Porsche is standing at the rooftop while looking at the stars.... Porsche hold his chest as he suddenly feel a sharp pain near his chest... Porsche then see a pair of muscular arms wrapping around his waist... Porsche smile and say... 'Phi Vegas krub....' Vegas kiss Porsche's cheek gently and ask... 'What are you doing here hmm? Vegas then wrap a shawl around Porsche's body and look at him... Porsche then ask..' Did Khun Kim ask you to come here phi? 'Vegas kiss Porsche's forehead and say..' Yes...'Porsche then reply back..' I already told him that Khun Kim and I were a lovers in my world... And... He already know about my disease..'Vegas stroke Porsche's head gently and ask..' Are you alright? Im so worried about you sweetheart.. 'Porsche kiss Vegas's lips softly and say...' Im fine na krub phi...The reason why Im here is because.. Khun Kim allowed me to put my painting here...

Flashbacks 2 hours earlier...

Kim look at Porsche and ask... 'Is there anything that you want me to do for you hmm? I will try my best to help... In your world... We are really close to each other... And now.. At very least.. Please allow me to take care of you as a friend... I already owed you my life Porsche.. A lot... 'Porsche then say...' Please allow me to put my painting at the rooftop Khun Kim krub... Its a special gift from me to Phi Vegas...And.. I already chose phi Vegas as my partner na krub..'Kim smile and say...' I know.. And I understand na krub... Whatever your decision is.. Im always here to support you... If you need anything... Just tell me na krub...'Porsche nod and smile..

Flashbacks end

Vegas then ask..' So... You stay here because of Kim? 'Porsche then reply back..' This matter is nothing to do with Khun Kim na krub... Im able to put my painting here because of Khun Kim... There's nothing else... 'Vegas smile and kiss Porsche's lips softly and notice a painting that cover with a white clothes... Vegas frown and ask..' What is this sweetheart? 'Porsche walk towards the painting and ask..' Are you ready to see it? 'Vegas nod in respond...
Porsche slowly pull off the white clothes and show the painting to Vegas... Vegas feel speechless for a minute... Vegas walk towards the painting and touch it gently... Porsche smile while looking at him and say...' Actually.. I wasn't able to finish it off on that night... But.. I keep remembering each part of your body phi... Then.. Im able to finish it...' Vegas smile and say... 'Thank you so much sweetheart... Its so beautiful..' Porsche then hold Vegas's hand and reply back... 'And... These days.. I keep thinking about you... And.. I feel like.. I will regret it for the rest of my life if I didn't do it...' Vegas frown and look at Porsche... Porsche smile again and say... 'Look at the corner of the painting... That is my answer na krub...' Vegas then look at the corner of the painting and see something and read it silently... 'Let's get marry phi Vegas'.. Vegas feel even more happy and ask.. 'Really sweetheart?' Porsche nod and say... 'Let's get marry phi... Lets make an ash exchange ritual na krub...' Vegas then kiss Porsche's forehead for a long time and hug Porsche tightly... Vegas smile and say.. 'Let's go home na krub..' Porsche then hold his head and feel dizzy all of a sudden... Vegas look at Porsche and reply back.. 'Let's go sweetheart..' Vegas help Porsche to walk and go home together...

Next morning (At the river)

Aunty Jeed, Nampheung, Khongkwan, Arm, Pol, Thanya and Kim are standing on the rocks... Porsche then walk towards Pol and Arm and bow at them.. Pol then hug Porsche and say... 'Porsche.. Please take care of phi Vegas na krub... Make him happy na...' Arm also hug Porsche and say.. 'We wish you all the best na krub... You and Khun Vegas deserve to be happy..' Porsche smile and take Pol and Arm's hands and make them hold their hands together... Porsche then see Khongkwan is walking towards Porsche and say... 'Phi Porsche kha.. I hope you and phi Vegas will be happy na kha... I already knew it since the beginning.. You and Phi Vegas really love each other... And.. Thats so cute na kha...' Porsche smile and say.. 'Thank you so much Khongkwan... Please take care of mom for phi na krub...' Khongkwan hug Porsche and say... 'Today is your big day na kha phi... I hope everything will go well na kha...' Porsche then see Vegas is walking inside of the water... Porsche smile while looking at him.... Porsche then speak in his heart.... 'Hold on Porsche... Please hold on na krub.... For phi Vegas...' Vegas then walk towards Porsche and notice Porsche's pale face.... Porsche then smile weakly at Vegas and look at the small jar that he has been holding...

Jeed then say... 'Good morning everyone... I, Jeed Theerapanyakul would like to say thank you so much for those who are here today... And today.. We are going to witnessing a love between a lovers... My nephew, Vegas Theerapanyakul and his partner Porsche Kittisawat... This ash exchange ritual is a symbol which means... If we do this ritual... Both families will be connected.. Because your villages is far from here... I allowed Porsche to take Vegas's grandmother's ash.. While Vegas.. I allowed him to take his grandfather's ash... Now.. Its a time to start with the ritual... You both may walk towards the water now.. 'Vegas and Porsche then walk towards the water and look at each others.. Vegas and Porsche hold the small jars in their hands and touch their palms together... Vegas and Porsche then stay underwater...

After 5 minutes later...

Vegas and Porsche come out from the water... Thanya, Kim, Arm, Pol, Khongkwan and Jeed feel shock as they look at Porsche from above... Vegas then look at Porsche and feel more shock as he see there's a lot of blood coming out from Porsche's nose.. Porsche look at Vegas with a weak expression and say... 'P.. Phi...' Porsche lose his balance and almost fall into the water.. Vegas quickly catch Porsche in his arms and say... 'Porsche! Sweetheart! Wake up! No! You can't leave me! Don't leave me!' Kim then say.. 'Vegas.. We must take Porsche to the hospital now!' Vegas nod and quickly carry Porsche in his arms... Kim then say.. 'Put Porsche in my car...' Vegas nod once again and quickly follow Kim towards his car... Kim then say.. 'Arm.. Please send Thanya back to my house..' Thanya then say..'Go phi Kim... Im fine na kha..' Pol then follow Vegas as well.. Kim then get into his car and drives away to the hospital..

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