Chapter 15

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Next morning at Songsit company..

Kim pov..

Kim finally arrives at the company along with Arm and Rina... Kim phone suddenly buzzing.. Kim then take out his phone and see Korn's name on it and answer the phone call and say.. 'Hello krub Pa?' Korn then say.. 'Kim.. Come and meet me in my office.. Pirena also here with me.. I have something to discuss with you...'Kim then hung up his phone and see Rina is already standing besides his car.. Kim then come out from his car with Arm.. Rina smile at her nephew and say..' Let's go in na kha.. 'Kim smile in return and reply back..' Aunty.. You should go in first.. Pa just called me and he asked me to meet him in his office.. Pirena is also there with him.. 'Rina then reply back..' I will come with you na kha.. Let's go.. 'Kim then walk together with Rina..

After 5 minutes of walking... Kim and Rina arrives at Korn' s office and go in.. Korn then ask.. 'Rina.. What are you doing here?' Rina then sit down and say.. 'Im here because of my nephew na kha.. And.. You said that you have something to discuss with Kim.. What is it na kha?' Korn then reply back.. 'I already know about what happened to you last night... I would like to delay the ceremony.. You can't become a president in this kind of situation...' Pirena then reply back.. 'You better stay somewhere far... How is it Kim?' Kim then ask.. 'Why would I do that Aunty Pirena? Why are you afraid of?' Pirena try to calm herself and say.. 'I just want to protect you..' Rina then say.. 'Kim know how to take care of him self.. Its just.. He aren't fast enough..' Kim smirk and say.. 'I will stay here to found out the truth about who is a real culprit that tried to kill me.. I will fight them until the end.. Try to stop me if you can Pirena..' Kim then stand up and walk out from Korn's office follow up by Rina from behind.. Pirena then grit her teeth and speak in his heart..' Just wait Kim.. I won't let you get away.. '

Meanwhile in Kim' s office...

Kim is sitting on the chair.. Kim suddenly remember about everything that Porsche told him... Kim sigh slowly and lean his body towards the chair... Suddenly, there's a door knock.. Kim then say.. 'Please come in..' Rina then come into Kim's office and walk towards him and ask.. 'What's wrong hmm?' Rina stroke Kim's head and look at him.. Kim shake his head and smile.. Rina then say.. 'Kim.. No matter what happens.. You have to be strong na kha...' Kim nod in respond... Big then come into Kim's office and say.. 'Miss Rina.. Please come with me for a while..' Rina nod and follow Big... As they leave.. Kim's phone suddenly buzzing.. Kim then take out his phone and see a text message from Thanya and read it silently.. 'Phi Kim kha.. I will come to Dad's house for dinner tonight.. Please come na kha..' Kim then keep his phone and rest for a while...

At the outside of Kim's office..

Rina look at Big and ask.. 'Is there anything that you want to tell me Big?' Big then say.. 'Im just worried about you Miss Rina...' Rina smile a little and say...'Im fine Big.. Im just worried about Kim... His life always in danger..' Big then hold Rina's hand and say.. 'Don't worry.. Everything will be fine na krub.. You seems tired.. Let me send you home..' Rina smile and nod.. Kim who is peaking through the door.. Smile softly and say.. 'I want to see you happy aunty Rina... You deserve a happiness..' Kim then see Arm is approaching him and ask.. 'What are you doing here?' Arm then reply back.. 'I know there's something is disturbing you Khun Kim... Is it about everything that Khem told you last night?'Kim then reply back..' Arm.. I feel weird right now.. 'Arm then ask..' Weird? Why?'Kim sigh slowly and say..' Whenever I look at Porsche's face.. I feel like.. I knew him somewhere.. I don't know how to explain but.. I feel like.. I have some of connection with him.. I think I already crazy Arm...'Arm smile and say..' That means.. You already start to trust Khem na krub.. I also feel that Khem is here because he wants to save your life... And.. Even it's true.. I think you should give Khem a chance...'Kim then pat Arm's shoulder and reply back..' Thanks for your concern Arm.. I will go to Uncle Chan's house.. Thanya is on her way to go there.. 'Arm nod and say..' Be careful na  krub Khun Kim.. 'Kim then say..' I will..'Kim then leave the office.. Arm is about to leave but stop as he see someone.. That person manage to escape from the office.. Arm shake his head and say..' Maybe it's just a hallucinations.. 'Arm then leave the office too..

At night.. (Chan' s house)..

Kim's pov..

Kim is sitting together with Chan and Thanya... Thanya then touch Kim's arms gently and ask.. 'Phi.. What's the matter na kha? Are you alright na kha?' Chan also look at Kim with a worry expression... Kim clear his throat and say.. 'Someone is trying to kill me na krub..' Thanya feel shock and ask.. 'What? But why na kha?' Chan then say... 'You need to be careful Kim... Those people from Songsit.. They can't be trusted...' Rina then appear out of nowhere and sit together with Kim, Thanya and Chan... Kim frown and ask... 'Aunty.. What are you doing here? Since when you were here na krub?' Rina then say.. 'I already have a bad feelings about this matter Kim.. I think phi Chan is right... We can't trust Pirena.. I think.. She is the real culprit..'
Kim then say... 'Please excuse me na krub..' Kim suddenly lost his appetite and walk out from the house... Kim decide to take a fresh air at the balcony..

Suddenly.. There's a loud screaming come from the inside... Kim quickly rush to go in and feel shock as he see Chan got stab while Rina got a small injury.. Rina then say.. 'Kim! Uncle Chan is bleeding! We need to help him!' Kim then see the masked killer again and say.. 'That mask killer again!' Thanya then say.. 'My dad has hemophilia! We must take him to the hospital na kha! Now!' Rina hiss in pain and say.. 'Let's go!' Kim, Rina and Thanya quickly take Chan and go to the hospital.. '

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