Chapter 10

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Kim pov...

Kim is looking at Porsche and ask.. 'What's your name?' Porsche then say.. 'Im.. Khem krub...' Kim nod slowly and say.. 'Khun Khem...' Porsche then say.. 'Please allow me to work here.... Since I didn't have anything to do... Erm.. I can work as your bodyguard too... To ensure about your safety... I guess 3 bodyguards isn't enough...Besides, Miss Jeed asked me to work here... She said that's the only way to protect you na krub... 'Vegas roll his eyes and look away... Kim then ask...' Why should I trust you? I never meet you or know you before... 'Porsche then say...' I just want to help you Khun Kim... Miss Jeed said that she wants to see you at her house tonight... She would like to speak to you alone... 'Vegas look at Porsche with a serious expression... Kim then say...' Fine if you say so... You can start working here by tomorrow... Don't be late... 'Porsche then stand up and bow his head... Porsche then say..' Thank you so much Khun Kim...'Porsche then look at Vegas shortly and leave the office... Vegas also leave the office and follow Porsche from behind...

Vegas and Porsche decide to walk back to Vegas's village... Vegas then speak up..'Porsche.. What's your next plan? Have you figured it out?' Porsche shake his head and say.... 'I didn't have any plan yet phi Vegas... The most important thing is Kim... How are we supposed to help him right now...' Vegas then say... 'This Porsche, that Porsche are same.. Didn't think first before doing something..' Porsche stop walking and turn around then ask.. 'What kind of person he is?' Vegas suddenly stop walking and look at Porsche... Porsche then walk towards Vegas and almost fall towards Vegas.. Vegas quickly catch Porsche's waist and look at him... Porsche then ask again.. 'Did I remind you of him that much?Why aren't you answering me?Are we really close in this world?'
Vegas nod slowly and say.. 'Yes.. That Porsche is my lovers.. He is cute.. kind.. caring.. sometimes love to whinning and reckless.. He is just like you...'Porsche smile and say..' You love him very much.. am I right phi? 'Vegas nod again and ask..' How about me in your world? What kind of a person he is? 'Porsche then remember about Vegas 1 and say...' He.. He killed my mother.. 'Vegas feel guilty and touch Porsche's shoulder and say..' Porsche.. Im truly sorry about what happened to your mother... I didn't know that in your world.. I killed people..'Vegas then kneel in front of Porsche and say..' Once again.. Im truly sorry Porsche... Please forgive me.... 'Porsche heart sink as he look into Vegas's eyes..Porsche shake his head and help Vegas to stand up and say..' Its not your fault phi.. Your face look similar to Vegas in my world but you aren't him.. You and that Vegas are different... Because.. I feel calm when Im with you now... The more I look at your face.. The more I understand you... You are such a nice person that I ever met in this world... You even allowed me to stay with you... Is still not enough proof? 'Vegas then say...' I promise.. I will take a good care of you Porsche.. Now.. Its already evening.. Let's go home before it's get dark.. 'Porsche then noticed Vegas is still holding his hands and say..' Phi.. Erm.. Please let go of my hands... 'Vegas then say...' No need... 'Porsche blink as Vegas pull Porsche slowly with him... Porsche then smile and follow Vegas from behind..

At night..

Porsche pov...

Porsche is sitting on the bed and speak in his heart..' I must take Kim back to my world... He can't stay in this world.. But.. Is it possible for me to do it?...'Porsche then stand up and quietly leave Vegas's village... Porsche then take a lantern and walk towards the forest where the sacred pond is located.. As Porsche walking into the forest... Kim then approach Porsche and say..' Khem... 'Porsche then turn around and say...' Khun Kim...'Kim then say...' You told me that Miss Jeed want to see me... Where is she? 'Porsche then look at Kim and say...' Follow me then...'Kim and Arm follow Porsche from behind... After a few minutes of walking... Porsche, Kim and Arm arrives at the sacred pond... Kim then look at Porsche and strangle him.. Arm then say..' Khun Kim.. Please calm down na krub... 'Kim then ask...' Where is Miss Jeed? You said that she is here... She wants to see me.. Where is she?!'Porsche look at Kim with a tears come out from his eyes and say...' P.. Please let me go first Khun Kim... I will explain everything... 'Kim then say..' I didn't want to listen to your stupid explanation Khem! Where is Miss Jeed?! Stop wasting my time or I... 'The sacred pond suddenly turn into violet.. Porsche then say..' Khun Kim! Let's go! We don't have a time! Come on! 'Porsche struggling to escape... Kim and Porsche fell into the sacred pond as the violet light dissappear... Both of them are soaking wet.. Arm then say..' Khun Kim!! 'Kim then yell..' Help me Arm! And you! Come with me! Im going to teach you a lesson!'Porsche then say..' N.. No.. Please don't! 'Arm then give a signal to Porsche... Porsche then nod and escape... Kim then yell..' Hey! Come back here!! 'Arm then say..' Khun Kim.. Please think about your health... Let him go.. Maybe he just want to play around... Come on.. 'Arm use his blazer to cover Kim' s body and take him back to the car... Kinn and Ken follow up from behind...

Porsche managed to escape and return to Vegas's village... Porsche then see Vegas is standing in front of the door with a serious expression... Vegas then walk towards Porsche and ask.. 'Where have you been Porsche?' Porsche then silent and avoid Vegas's gaze on him... Vegas then yell.. 'Where have you been?! Answer me!!' Porsche is about to answer but stop as he see Vegas suddenly fall onto the ground... Porsche feel shock as he see Kim... Kim then ask.. 'You think I will let you escape after what you have done to me just now? Don't worry about Alexander.. He is just fainted...' Porsche then hiss in pain as he feel someone is inject his neck... Arm look at Kim and ask... 'Where should we take him Khun Kim?' Kim smirk and reply back... 'Take him to the prison..' Arm look at Kim and ask.. 'Are you sure about this Khun Kim?....' Kim then reply back.. 'Yes.. That's the only way we can teach him a lesson.. Let's go!' Arm then help to take Porsche to the car follow up by Kim from behind... As they get into the car... Arm then ask again.. 'What about that Alexander? Don't you think he will look for Khem later?' Kim then reply back.. 'Stop asking too many questions Arm.. I really hate a questions..If Alexander want this man back, he must come to the prison to save this man life..' Arm then drive back to Songsit's mansion..

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