Chapter 18 - Deacon

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It's been three days since Nora died. Lena hasn't come out of her room. Lucas refuses to leave her side, but she doesn't seem to mind it. She just lies with her head in his lap, smoking cigarettes and reading her mom's journal.

I bring her food, Nate buys her pretty dresses, Logan sits in the chair in the corner of her room, and Dorian visits her as often as he can.

My cover's been blown. All the businesses I've been able to get involved in have been cleaned out. Frank closed all the accounts so I no longer have access to them. Even Diamonds has been abandoned. I have no idea what happened to Donnie, but he's disappeared, and unfortunately, so has Brianna. We're assuming she told her dad everything and he sent her out of the city.

Lena refused to have a funeral for her mom, so Dorian had her cremated, and it might be a little weird and creepy, but Logan found a place that presses ashes into vinyl records. So we're having some of Nora's ashes pressed into a special edition of her debut album. It should be here in a day or two.

I walk into Lena's room and she's lying against Lucas, reading to him from her mom's journal, "... cause midnights with you, when we were only twenty-two, are frozen in time, another glimpse and you'd have been mine."

Lucas strokes her hair, "it's pretty. I wonder what it would have sounded like."

"Probably melancholic, with a deep bass or something, she liked that kind of vibe," she says, taking the lit cigarette from his fingers and inhaling deeply.

"What are you reading?" I ask her, setting down the ham and swiss sandwich I made for her on the nightstand.

She looks up at me, a small smile forming on her lips, "just some lyrics and poems my mom wrote over the years. This one, 'Midnights With You' is the only one with any kind substance, the rest are just short, and depressing. She looks down at the lyrics again, "I think this song is about my dad."

"Is he-?" I start to ask, but she shakes her head.

"He overdosed on heroin not long after I was born. I don't think my mom ever got over it." She flips through the pages, "the rest of these though, are definitely inspired by Frank." She narrows her eyes, "he destroyed her."

Lucas leans over her, inhaling the smoke she blows out, "We're going to get him for you, little doll. And I'm going to watch while you have your fun with him. Then I'll fuck you next to his dead body and make you forget everything he's ever done to you.

Lena moans softly when he claims her lips and I feel my cock twitch at the sound. She pulls away and takes another drag of her cigarette, staring at Logan, then up at me, "I'm sorry I've been such a mess. You've all been so patient with me."

"Don't apologize babygirl. We only want you to feel better, however long that takes." I sit down at the end of the bed and she adjusts her position so she is in front of Lucas, lying back against his chest with her knees bent. She places her mom's journal on the bed next to her, and the light blue sundress Nate gave her rises up her thighs, giving me a perfect view of her delicious pussy, barely hidden by a strip of lace.

She lets her knees drop to the side and my mouth waters as she trails a finger along the material. Lucas shivers and pulls the straps of her dress down, nipping at her shoulder.

"Do you want to make me feel better, Deacon?" She asks, her voice like silk. I nod silently, crawling up the bed and running my hands up her legs until I reach her hips. I press my lips against hers, slipping my tongue into her mouth and hook two fingers under her g-string. I pull it off her slowly and toss it to Logan who twirls it around his finger.

Lena giggles, the sound becoming a sharp moan when I spread her pussy and trail my tongue along her clit.

Lucas pulls her dress down further, exposing her breasts and lightly playing with her nipples. I lick her softly until she's grinding on my face, her cum dripping onto my tongue as she orgasms.

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