Chapter 32 - Deacon

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"You know I do, little doll," Lucas says happily. He kisses the top of her head and walks out of the room.

I watch Lena as she stares down at Brianna's body; I feel like everything in me broke as I watched those videos, and then when she clung to me and cried, I felt like I was dying inside. Like all of my broken pieces were disintegrating and withering away.

I don't know how Dorian and Nate sat through all those videos at Diamonds. Though, they both seemed determined to bring Lena as many of the men as they could get their hands on.

It's satisfying watching her kill the people who hurt her. I'm not an overly violent person, but I find myself enjoying watching her beat people to death with that hammer. I can tell it makes her feel good. And there's something about seeing her covered in the blood of her victims that makes my cock twitch in my pants.

Lucas walks back into the room carrying two hatchets and a large white box covered in pink and blue polka dots. "This was outside the door. I dunno where the fuck they found it, but it's pretty just like you wanted, little doll."

She lets out a light laugh, "thank you Lucas." He hands her one of the hatchets and they both stare down at Brianna's body.

"I've never done something like this before," she says, tilting her head curiously as she curls her fingers around the handle of the weapon.

"Start with the arms, little doll," Lucas tells her. "Like this, watch." He raises his hatchet over his head and brings it down on Brianna's upper arm, just below her shoulder. It takes a few swings but her arm detaches and Lucas grins up at Lena, breathing heavily, with blood dripping down his face.

Lena bites her lip, "that was hot, baby."

Lucas quivers excitedly, "you're turn, little dolly."

She takes a deep breath and brings the hatchet down, dropping to her knees next to Brianna and smiling as she chops her arm off.

It's gory and a little sickening, but none of us can look away from her. My t-shirt is ruined, and her bare legs are slick with not just blood but bits of skin and tissue.

Lucas looks at her like she's a divine angel and he's seeing heaven for the first time. But the rest of us know she's actually some kind of unholy demon who wants to drag us to the depths of hell with her, and she knows we'd all follow her anywhere, drinking in her darkness and letting it suffocate us.

They chop up Brianna's body, hacking her to pieces, until she's scattered around the room, and both Lena and Lucas are drenched in her blood.

Dorian holds open the box and they pile Brianna's body inside, placing her head on top of her torso, and Lena lays her note for Frank over her beaten in face.

"Do you guys know where he is?" She asks us, as Dorian closes up the box.

"We know he has four locations around the city evacuated and heavily guarded" He says, placing the box on the floor and looking down at Lena. I don't think she realizes how fucking gory and insane she looks, smiling and completely covered with bloody bits of Brianna.

She tilts her head, "which locations?"

"One of his warehouses, the one down at the docks; his casino downtown; City Hall; and one of his restaurants, that run down Italian place on the south side."

Lena's eyes widen at his words and she stares down at the broken laptop. Lucas pushes the chair under her and she sits down, staring off into space with a strange look on her face.

"What are you thinking, little doll?" Lucas asks her, his fingers playing with her blood soaked hair.

She narrows her eyes, seeming to contemplate something. "He's at the casino."

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