April fools 3~ The 1st

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Chapter 3- April fools

Today was the 1st Ian awoke with Anthony curled up onto his chest laying closely with a slow heartbeat so peaceful dreaming silently, Ian was the one who snored, who made all the birds shake in the trees because of his loud snoring which could even timber trees

Today was a big day, a day that smosh prank all there smoshers! So Ian slide out of the bed but woke up Anthony, " where are you going Ian ?" Anthony asked while wiping the sleepy dust out his eyes, Ian ignored him as he yawned and started to get dressed, Anthony sulked and shouted " Ian ! What are ou doing ?" Ian starred at him " no need to shout dude I'm going o get ready for our new video ? Is tat okay with you wife ?" Anthony nodded and thought deeply about yesterday how Ian was his blue eyes prince who made him warm and close to him " Ian... Do you remember yesterday ?" " I don't want to talk about it , it was a mistake, I was drunk " Ian said with a straight face no sign of even a smirk, Anthony's heart stopped dead and he gulped " so you didn't want to make me happy ? You were just drunk! You lied to me Ian " Ian starred " I didn't saying anything about Lieing to you you pussy!" Anthony screamed " Shut up! " as he closed his door with so much force. Ian laughed at the closed door , Anthony started to cry silently as his best friend made him feel horrible the tears fell off his nose and touched the bed sheets covered in white marks. Later that day....

Ian started to film a Ian is bored as Anthony sat silently in the background Ian pushed him " hey Anthony what's up ?" Anthony looked at him " like you don't know Ian ? " Ian seemed confused and got closer to Anthony's face, Anthony started into his deep blue eyes and smirked " go away " Anthony said playfully pushing Ian's face away , Ian winked and said to the camera "well I have something to admit to smoshers... " Anthony looked up and smiled Ian took a fake deep breathe " I love men, I'm gay " Anthony gasped and looked dead shocked in the corner of the screen, " APRIL FOOLS GUYS" Ian laughed and said at the screen " but Anthony's gay " Anthony smiled " oh yeah I love cock so much Ian !" Ian sat down and twisted the camera at Anthony but Anthony ended up pushing Ian's arm as Ian was making funny faces making Anthony giggle. Anthony's arm fell onto Ian's face and stroked away his hair ,the camera sat still and watched upon the two men get closer with there faces, they both kissed gently there lips kissing and touching more and more quicker and tastier ,seconds passed and Anthony gasped away as Ian panicked and turned the camera off " we will edit that part out " Anthony agreed and nodded cutely, Anthony sat down to edit the video he moved the mouse over to edit but he accidentally click post , he panicked so bad at what he done that he starting to breathe quickly and even begin to cry , he fucked up smosh, he has made Ian angry with him, he quickly tried to remove the video he did so but 189 people saw it but he hoped they won't talk about it , he edited it and posted it back up bite people commenting " what happened to the first one ?" " they kissed in the first one check my channel " Anthony slammed the keyboard and went all quiet he thought " maybe Ian won't know " ..

Ian strolled in to find Anthony curled up into te chair refreshing and deleting comments, " what are you doing anth? " Ian questioned Anthony deleted an other comment and started to shake at the embrassment of the video , it's the fact everyone saw it its cause he loved Ian and would of made Ian angry " I'm so sorry " Anthony said clinging onto Ian's chest Ian pushed him away slightly "what's wrong ? Did you do something wrong anthony? " Anthony looked at Ian and said " I posted the video but unedited first and 189 people saw it but I removed it and posted te edited version but people keep commenting about us kissing " Ian went all silent and starred at the comments flooding in of them kissing and picture urls to them kissing passionately. Ian left the room for Anthony to hear him backing his bags " I need to get my mind straight Anthony I will back in a couple of days " Anthony begged " please don't go Ian I'm begging you so bad" Ian pushed Anthony out the way of the door as he dragged his bags to the car " Ian please don't leave me ! " Ian had a tear down his face as he entered the car and closed the door, Anthony ran up the door and started pat the window shouting " don't go buddy " Ian drove off into the dark street leaving Anthony alone at te house .

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