April Fools part 5

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Ian got his coat and slammed the hotel door behind him, traveling down the hall he hopped over the lettile red banded gates towards the main doors. Ian got in his car which was parked out back so no thug could of damaged it, You know ? theres alot of bad people out there now days!. Meanwhile. Anthony awoke to the sound of ians alarm going off in his room it was a loud beeping sound which rung anthonys ears which were now inbedded into the cream pillow, Anthony slumped him self onto ians bed and pounded the alarm off with his fist, now the beeping is gone anthony just layed flat onto Ians bed as it smelt like him that lynx he always wears literally stinks out the place. Anthony got to his feet and walked down stares to make some breakfast " Eggs, toast and some bacon" He thought while getting out two plates, he looked down at the kitchen counter " oh yeah, no Ian" He thought while slipping the black plate back into the cupboard. Ian Knocked on the door and waited patiently outside, kicking his feet with his hands pinned into his stone coloured jean pockets. Anthony answered, looked at him and slammed the door " Why is Ian back again?" Anthony thought as he rested onto the sofa awaiting Ian to go away as he broke the poor mexcians heart yesterday, " Hey anth please let me in, im sorry i didnt mean to make you upset bud" Ian shouted through the window mistakenly left open by anthony. Anthony opened the door with a blank face and let Ian trail his guilty body with him into the house. " Why did you leave Ian?" Anthony said with crossed arms and tapping foot to go with it . Ian looked up at anthony and sulked " Im just sorry , just kiss me again !" Ian threw himself at anthony, slapping the mexcain against the wall as ian's tongue exploded Anthony's mouth making anthony clench onto Ians shoulders. " O-oh Ian" Anthony pulled away and fitted in a few words, " Yet again why Ian? you said you were drunk last time and you wouldnt do it again" Ian looked at anthony narrowed eyed and smirked " Dont lie but you love it " Ian hissed at anthony with his mouth close to his making the kiss tension bigger and more powerfull. Anthony's lips shook as he moved closer towards Ian's mouth which was literally begging for them to touch and trail into the bedroom like last time. Ians body become warm as anthony remembered, his shoulders to his legs just so warm that you could cuddle him for the time the earth spins. Ian held Anthonys hand and moved it down his chest which was becoming bare Ian striped off his t-shirt and pulled anthony so close that anthonys arms tangled round ians waist making Ian kiss down anthony's neck. The two men played and fiddled in the middle of the livingroom and making them tumble from furniture to sofa to even the Table bend over eachother making them kiss harder as they slam eachother into walls of the hallway atleast trying to get to a bed with there eyes closed and them moaning into eachothers mouths. Anthony stopped as he hit Ians Bed " Ian are you sure you want to do this again" " Sure i do "


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2013 ⏰

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