Chapter 1

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Ricky's POV

"Alright, this one is called Wasp." Chris spoke into the microphone, looking over at Ash Costello who will sing the female parts of the song.

The audience roars loudly and Chris looks back at Vinny, nodding.

Vinny starts playing the drums, Josh joining soon after. Ghost, Ryan and I start playing as well.

Not paying much attention to the lyrics of the song considering the song was written with Kate in mind, I concentrate hard on my parts.

I lift my head and look at all the fans that were jumping and head banging to the music.

A specific person catches my eye. She didn't look like she was here for the show, but she has her eye on someone. She has long hair in curls. That's all I can point out from the stage, not to mention under this dim light of the room.

She pulls something out and before I know it, the sound of a gun going off echoes in my ears loudly.

"Get out of here!" A woman's voice yells. I notice that the voice belongs to the woman that stood out to me earlier.

I drop my guitar as all of the fans scream and panic, running out as quickly as possible.

One boy in his teenage years stands motionless, though. Pun intended.

"What the hell is going on?!" Chris yells through the chaos surrounding us.

"Get down!" The same woman yells and points the gun at the teenage boy.

We stop at our tracks. "What are you doing?!"

"Saving your ass." She replies. "You, don't move or I pull the trigger and make your brain explode." She says in a low voice to the boy.

The boy smirks and his eyes suddenly change. I then realize what he is.

I could recognize one easily.

A hybrid.

He growls and the moment he takes a step towards us, the gun goes off again and blood flies out of the boy's head before falling limply on the ground.

"What was that?" Chris asks as he steps towards the now lifeless body of the boy.

"A hybrid." The woman replies and slips her gun in the back pocket of her pants. "Your welcome."

I realize that she is talking with an accent. Finnish, it seems.

"Our fans' lives were on the line. I don't think that's something to thank you about." I say as I notice that our fans had fled, as well as the security. We're alone.

"Yeah, they sure as hell were but not because of me. Half of them would be dead by now if I hadn't been here. The hybrid would have killed them as well as you."

"How did a gun likes yours kill him? Only the sword of the angel can kill a creature as powerful as that." I say.

"Yeah, you would know huh?" She asks, looking at me.

I swallow hard. "And how would you know that? Who are you and how do you know of hybrids, or of us at all?" I snap.

"I'm Iris. And I'm a guardian, much like you. Also, did you just ask me how I know of you? Everyone knows who she was and what happened to her. Everyone knows who you are as well."

"How did you know to come here?" Josh speaks up.

"I'm not necessarily any guardian. I'm not under Kat's command and I'm thanking god for that. I'm not alone though. I track demons or, hybrids in this case and kill them before they kill anyone. I do that with my cousin and his band." She replies simply.

"Oh really?" Ash raises her eyebrows. "And who is your cousin?"

"Ville Valo."

My eyes widen. "Y-you're Ville's cousin?" I stutter, excitement and confusion running through my veins. Yeah, even after all these years HIM still has the ability to make my heart stop. Not to mention, we toured with them last December and it was the best tour of my entire life.

"I didn't know HIM were one of us." Chris cut off Iris before she could answer my question.

"Yeah, well they are. I'm sure there are plenty of more rock bands out there who are a part of our world whom we do know of yet or are not aware of."

"Going back to our current situation, how was that a hybrid? I mean, hybrids are extinct. Ricky is the only one left, who is alive anyway." Chris spoke, a hint of anxiety in his voice.

"Well, not exactly the only Olson hybrid around anymore." She mumbles quietly.

Luckily, I was able to pick that up.

"What?" I frown.

"Nothing-" She shrugs it off but I cut her off.

"No, say it." I raise my voice.

She sighs. "Haven't you heard?" She asks.

Completely unaware of what she is talking about, we all shake our heads, considering we've been off the grid from our world for a while now.

She breaths out. "You know where Kate was buried? She's missing."

"What do you mean she's missing?" I spit.

"Her grave was open, her coffin as well. She wasn't in it."

"You're lying." I growl.

"Am I?" She snaps. "Go check for yourself."

"As a matter of fact, I will." I snap back and walk away from them and towards the dressing rooms.

Footsteps follow me behind.

"Ricky, you can't just leave!" I ignore Chris' voice. "Olson!" His tone changes to impatient.

"What?" I turn around.

"We're in the middle of a concert-"

"No, we're not anymore. Do you see any fans around anymore? I'm leaving before the police comes and asks any questions. If you want to stay here, be my guest." I snap and turn my heels, heading to the dressing room.

I put my phone in my pocket and grab my keys, heading out of the venue.

I won't bother waiting for the guys, if they even want to come."

I get in the car and start it, driving out of the parking lot and towards the cemetery.

The last time I was there was on the anniversary of Kate's death which was two months ago.

My mind races with so many thoughts as I pass through the gates of the cemetery and drive towards where Kate's grave is.

I quickly get out of the car and run towards her grave.

I freeze once I realize that Iris was right.

The spot in which was buried in is dug open.

I crawl into the spot and look at the empty coffin that lay in front of me.

A lump forms in my throat and I forget how to breathe for a second.

How can Kate be gone? She's dead... isn't she?


So much sass! Yay for a sequel! Hope you guys like this one ;)



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