Chapter 4

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Ricky's POV

"Is this the right house?" Chris asks as we walk up the porch of the house that is supposed to belong to Johnny. 

"I think so." I reply and raise my hand, knocking on the door lightly.

I step back and we wait for someone to open the door. Loud footsteps approach and the door knob turns before the door opens, revealing the one and only Johnny Christ. 

For a moment I forget why I am here and turn starstruck. After all, he is the bassist of Avenged Sevenfold. 

"Um, can I help you?" He asks, snapping me back to reality. 

"We hear you're a tracker." Iris speaks for me before I get the chance to. 

"I am, why?" 

"We need your help finding someone who may be in trouble." I say. 

He narrows his eyes at me. "Ah, you need help finding your living dead sister?" 

I swallow hard. "Let me guess, a little birdy told you?" 

"Like I said Olson, small world." Iris says and smirks. 

I roll my eyes at her and look back at Johnny. 

"Well, I'll think about it. Come on in." Johnny says and moves aside, letting us step inside the house.

I find myself start to study the home for a few minutes and Johnny clears his throat. 

"So, your sister isn't dead huh? Don't know if that's good news or bad news." He says and takes a glass of what seems like whiskey from the coffee table and bringing it to his lips, gulping what's left of it. 

"Both. She's human now which is a good thing but the bad thing is that Toxic will try to hunt her down again.¨ I say.

"And how will Kate be of use to her? She's not a hybrid anymore. She's a simple human, Toxic hates humans."

"Knowing Toxic she'll want to experiment with Kate to try and make her a hybrid again or just a plain demon. But that's besides the point. Can you help us track Kate before anyone gets their hands on her?"

"I don't know if I'll be able to since she's human. Demons and guardians are easier to track, humans aren't. But I can try. Question though, what's in it for me?" He asks. 

I look at the guys and they all look at me with looks of "it's up to you." 

I try to think up with something and I have the perfect idea. Not only will it make the band and I incredibly happy but our fans too. "You'll be invited to tour with Motionless in White for our second half of our tour, since it had to be cancelled."

Johnny thinks about it and nods. "Alright, that's fair. We haven't played much shows in a while and we're all missing being on the road. We have a deal." He lifts his hand and I shake it.

"How long will it take for you to find her?" Iris asks, her arms crossed over her chest. 

"Like I said, she's human so it might take longer than expected. I'll need something of hers that I can use to begin tracking her. Do you have anything?"

I reach inside my pocket and pull out the necklace that was left in the cemetery, in Kate's grave. I hesitantly hand it to Johnny, and he examines it. 

"Was she wearing it? Or did she have any type of skin contact with this?" 

"No, she wasn't wearing it. I left it along with a  rose the night of the anniversary of her death. I don't know if she touched it or anything when she.. resurrected though."

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