Chapter 5

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Ricky's POV

"I can clearly tell that you're an egoistical, arrogant and cocky son of a bitch, Synyster Gates." Iris spits and gives him an ugly look.

"Don't have to explain that to you, sweetheart." He pinches her jaw while grinning, making her slap his arm away.

"Syn, don't be a dick." Johnny sighs.

"I just got broken up with, my dear Johnny. I have no other way of acting right now." Brian replies casually and lets himself fall on the couch.

"Wait, Michelle broke up with you? What the fuck? You're engaged!" Johnny says in disbelief.

Correction: were." Brian replies. "Not anymore. All years invested in our relationship and all the months invested in our wedding.." Brian trails off and shakes his head. "Gone to waste."

"Why though?"

"Needed a break from our world, I guess, I don't fucking know. She just said she needs some time to herself for a while." He says. "Brian I love you, I do, but I need to do this, for my sake. I hope you understand. Bullshit."

There's awkward silence after that, so I clear my throat loudly. "Um."

"Oh, right." Syn turns to look at me. "Who the hell are you people and what are you doing here?"

"That's Ricky Olson." He nods his head toward me. "They came to ask me a favor, to track his sister, Kate."

"Wait, hold up, since when do we do favors for just anybody? Especially a former hybrid?" He asks Johnny, frowning. "Shall we start making deals with the devil too?"

"Okay, look, Synyster. I don't give a single fuck that your pathetic little heart got broken. Cry a fucking river and feel free to jump off of it afterwards, you whiny little pest. Need I remind you that Ricky is still technically a hybrid. All he needs to do is get demon blood inside his system and he's out of the cage. And before you even try to use the whole "I have my power to defend me" bullshit, hybrids are immune to any guardian power. I suggest you shut that pretty little mouth before you end up dead, but unlike Kate, your ass won't come back." Kate spits all in one breath. When she's finished, everyone in the room stays silent, stunned by the truth that was spoken.

Syn doesn't even have anything to say to that, only scoffs and shakes his head angrily. "If we all end up dead, none of us will be coming back. And if we end up dead, you'll have yourself to blame Johnny. Your call."

"Shut up. I already made it. We have a deal." Johnny replies. "But like I said, it might take a while to find her cause again, she's human. I hope we find her though, before anyone else does."

"So how will we do this? How exactly does the tracking process go?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well, with an object with the person I am tracking, I get visions of where they are at. I see what they see. I also make a connection with them, to be able to feel traces of where they have been or where they are. But that's with guardians, hybrids or demons. With Kate, I'll only get fragments of visions and the connection will be very weak. As I'm closer to her, though, the connection will be stronger. Just earlier, I saw trees. lots of them, as if she had been wandering through a forest of some sort."

"It may either be the Enchanted Forest or the forest where she found out the truth about herself. Or we're incredibly unlucky and it's a forest we're not familiar with and have never been in before." I say.

"Well, lets check in both Storybrooke and the other forest. I assume you know how to get there..?" Johnny asks and I nod.

"I know a guy, portal jumper. I'll call him." I say and slip my phone out of my pocket, go through my contact list and call him. I bring my phone up to my ear and it rings for a bit before he picks up.

"What do you want?" Is the first thing that comes out of Nick's mouth. We haven't spoken since the battle. Seems like he isn't fond of hearing from me.

"Nick, I need a favor."

"Really Ricky? Not even a "hey, long time no see, how are you" first? Am I not even your friend, or just one when it's convenient for you?" He replies and I sigh.

"Well, you kind of stopped talking to everyone when you parted ways from New Years Day."

"Right. Anyway, what is the favor?" It's like I can hear him roll his eyes.

"I need you to come to Huntington Beach, California and portal us to Storybrooke. Us meaning Chris, Iris, Johnny Christ..." I don't even get to finish before he cuts me off.

"Who the fuck is Iris? And holy shit, Johnny Christ? Dude, his band is insanely great!"

"Yeah, I don't really have the time to fanboy over our favorite bands, so will you do it?"

"Yeah, sure, have nothing better to do anyway. So where do we meet?"

"If he asks where he meets us, tell him Hurricanes Bar and Grill." Syn speaks again, and Nick hears him.

"Synyster Gates? Holy fuck, this is gonna be good. But alright, I'll meet you there in 15."

"Thanks dude, bye." I say before I hang up. "He'll be here in 15."

"Just out of curiosity, where is the rest of the band?" Chris asks, trying not to sound too excited.

"Matt's with his wife somewhere and Zacky is over at his parents' house."

"And out of my curiosity, what are their abilities?" I ask, trying to make more conversation.

"Matt is a pain manipulator, meaning he'll convince your body it is in excruciating pain, when you're really not. Zacky is a shapeshifter, and he fucks around with all of us a lot." Johnny replies.

"Oh yeah, feel free to tell them our life stories you stupid fuck." Syn mutters underneath his breath, but we all ignore him.

"Wait, say Zacky shapeshifts into me. Will he have my ability which is make people see what I want them to see?"

"Well, yes. Watch." Syn says and he lifts his hand, black haze exiting his fingertips. His lips curve into a smirk before the black haze expands largely. Then, his body disappears into it. When it begins fading away, it isn't Synyster Gates on the couch anymore, but Zacky Vengeance.

"What the fuck dude? You need to quit doing that shit." Johnny sighs frustratingly, pinching the bridge of his nose and closing his eyes.

"Holy shit..." A whisper escapes my mouth, fascinated by Zacky's ability. Why couldn't I have had that badass of an ability? Well, I am a hybrid and all which is more badass and dangerous yet but still..

Zacky breaks into laughter. "That was fucking hilarious! All of your faces were priceless!"

"I knew something was up cause Syn isn't that much of a dick. But did he and Michelle really break up or did you make that up?"

"They really broke up. The reason is unknown though. Couldn't get anything out of him when I stopped by his place earlier today. He has Air Supply on repeat and had several bottles of alcohol surrounding him. Dude's a mess." Zacky shakes his head. "But anyway, when do we leave to find the infamous Katelyn Olson?"

"Sorry, we?" Johnny blinks and frowns.

"Yes, we. You're going on a search for a former hybrid who is being hunted by Toxic which need I remind you, is the head demon. If she finds out you are tracking her too, you'll be as good as dead. And like Syn said," he stops and laughs. "If you end up dead, there's no coming back like Kate."

"I'm not a defenseless child, Zacky." Johnny snaps.

"No, but your ability is pretty defenseless. We're all coming with you. We're not risking losing another member of our family." Zacky says.

That seems to convince Johnny. He stays quiet for a few seconds.

"Hopefully we start later today. We need to meet Nick in 15. We'll see what happens from there."
Yay an update! Hope you guys liked it :)


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