racing against time

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Madeline woke up before the sun rose, the faint light of dawn casting a gentle glow through the small window of her modest room. She quickly woke up as she saw the time. She couldn't be late again. She dressed in her plain maid's uniform and tied her hair back, ready to start her day.

She rushed out of her ready to wake Cleo and Lilah up when she saw them trying to prepare breakfast in the kitchen. Lilah tried to reach the counter but as she was so tiny Cleo grabbed a chair for her to stand on. Madeline giggled at this making the girls look at her way.

"Morning Maddie." Cleo said smiling warmly at her older sister as she turned the eggs.

"Morning girls, you don't have to do all of this really." She said as she took a turn to see the table being all set.

"Why not? It feels nice to help. I mean you do so much for us." Cleo said as she took a seat next to Lilah.

"Well I appreciate it a lot." The oldest sister said smiling at her younger sister who enjoyed their breakfast.

"Don't you have work to do?" Lilah asked with her mouth stuffed with eggs. Lilah always had a big mouth and was a little sassy sometimes. But it was funny and Madeline could appreciate it.

"Yes I do, I'll see you girls tonight." Madeline said kissing both of her younger sisters their cheeks before rushing out.

Madeline ran trough the woods as a little out of breath, until she reached the fence of the castle. her heart still racing from the rush of being late, she tried to open the fence as it was normally open.

Confusion furrowing her brow, Madeline approached the gate, her mind racing with questions. Why was it closed? And more importantly, how was she supposed to get to her duties on time if she couldn't pass through?

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice the figure approaching from the other side until it was too late. Looking up, she found herself locking eyes with none other than the king himself, his expression a mixture of curiosity and mild annoyance.

"Is there a problem, miss?" he inquired, his voice carrying a hint of authority.

Startled by his sudden appearance, Madeline quickly collected herself, dipping into a respectful curtsey. "My apologies, Your Majesty," she replied, her tone contrite. "I'm afraid the gate seems to be closed, and I'm running late for my duties."

The king regarded her for a moment, his gaze thoughtful. Then, with a slight nod of understanding, he motioned for one of the nearby guards to open the gate.

"Please, allow me to escort you," he offered, gesturing for Madeline  to pass through ahead of him.

Grateful for his assistance, Madeline  offered a grateful smile as she stepped through the now-open gate.

"Thankyou." She Quickly said not realizing her manners. She quickly rushed away into the castle not turning back to the king who was looking at her confused who she was and why he never saw her earlier.

Madeline rounded a corner, nearly colliding with a passing servant carrying a tray of dishes, and offered a hurried apology before continuing on her way.

Finally reaching the kitchen, Madeline burst through the door, her breath coming in ragged gasps. The head cook, a stern woman with a no-nonsense demeanor, glanced up from her preparations with a disapproving frown.

"You're late, Madeline ," she scolded, her voice sharp with irritation. "Breakfast service is about to begin, and we're short-staffed as it is."

"I'm sorry, Mistress," Madeline  stammered, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I overslept. It won't happen again, I promise."

The head cook sighed heavily, her expression softening slightly as she surveyed the young maid before her. "See that it doesn't," she replied curtly. "Now, hurry up and get to work. There's no time to waste."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Madeline quickly set about her assigned tasks, moving with swift efficiency to assist her fellow servants in preparing the morning meal. Though her boss's reprimand stung, she was determined to make up for lost time and prove herself worthy of her place in the castle.

author note:
I hope you guys enjoyed my first chapter of my first book!!

Word count: 724

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