38. Streams of Tears

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Klaus slowly slid his chair back across the floor and stood up. He walked over to where Stephen was seated and leaned over into his ear.

"She pledged to the gang because she loves me."

Klaus didn't even see the punch coming.

Stephen's fist collided with the side of Klaus's face, and Klaus stumbled backwards. Regaining his balance, he spat out the blood that had collected in his mouth.

"Is that all you've got Stephen? Your girlfriend and I are in love, and there is nothing you can do to stop it!" Klaus swung his body around the side of the table taunting Stephen.

As I stepped backwards away from the fight, I looked at Stephen's face. He looked horrifying. Anger was apparent in his features and his usual angelic blue eyes were almost black. He made a low growling sound in the back of his throat when Klaus mentioned me, and I knew that he would stop at nothing to kill Klaus.

Klaus walked towards the back of the kitchen rather quick, nearing the doors. "You knew she never loved you. At least I didn't put her through years of abuse and neglect."

Stephen was about ready to explode. His body was trembling and he had his fists clenched so tightly together that his knuckles were white. When Klaus looked at his face and saw his murderous expression, even he got scared. Frightened by the enemy he had created, he unlocked the doors to the kitchen and tried to make a run for it.

However, instead of Stephen stopping his advance forward, it was me. I lifted my sleek silver gun to the doors and fired, aiming for the wall to the side of him so that he would stop running. It had the desired effect that I wanted, and Klaus stopped moving forward.

Stephen stopped trembling and looked at my form, surprised by my action. I held the gun out in front of me still, with smoke exiting the barrel. He looked at me concerned, and I just shook my head unaware of what happened to Klaus.

I didn't see a bullet hole in the wall beside him and I was confused for a split second, until I realized that the bullet had entered somewhere else. I dropped my gun to the ground, the silver metal clanging against the tile. I ran over to where Klaus had sunk to the ground, and he looked at me, with his moth open in shock.

Blood started to trickle out of his mouth and I leaned down, scared by my actions and the consequences that I caused. I gently moved his whole body to the floor and looked through his bloody clothes to find the gunshot wound that I had created.

And there it was. The bullet had torn through his stomach and there was nothing I could do to stop the blood flow. Tears welled up in my eyes are his still and unmoving form, and I couldn't stop them from slipping down my face. A couple of years ago I would have wanted this. I would have wanted for his heart to stop beating. I would have wanted him to lie on the floor gasping in his own blood like I did that night. But today, it was a different story.

I knew he was trying to make a change. I knew he was trying to become a better person. And because of a few choice words, I had made a fatal mistake. Of course, he shouldn't have made the mistake of saying those words. but now I couldn't take my actions back. Scared of myself, I sunk to the ground beside him and frantically searched for a pulse. When I couldn't find one, I didn't hold the tears back. I let them all fall and hugged his bloody body to my chest.

I didn't once let go of him, even when Stephen came over and shook my shoulders to shake me out of my stupor. I shook my head at him, not even looking up from the mess of bloody carnage. I felt the footsteps of the rest of the men trickle into the kitchen, unaware of what was happening. Even then, I didn't look up.

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