7. Investigation

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I slid my hands from his torso and reached for my door handle. I opened it and let myself in, giving him teasing smile and closing the door on his face softly, still seeing the shock implanted there. I sank to the floor next to the door clutching my prize, a card with the access to the interrogation rooms, with Marcus's face printed right on it.

Blaze's POV:

I knew I had a limited amount of time before Marcus would slide his hand into his back pocket and notice that his card was gone. Me, being the newest member would be the prime suspect in his "investigation" and I would be shuffled out into the streets once again, probably with more than just a warning.

I shakily stood off of the cold floor and shook my legs out, realizing I had to become who I once was to make this foul play as smooth as it could be. I grabbed my backpack from under the bed where I had left it and slid it over my left shoulder. I swung my arms to the back of my neck and leaned my head from side to side, stretching out before I made a run for it. I gripped tightly to Marcus's key card, silently hoping that it wouldn't let off a tracker when I opened the door to my secrets.

I took a deep breath and dropped to the floor. Noticing that the light was smooth on the floor and didn't have shadows from different people, I stood up and carefully unlatched the door. I still took conscious measures and slid out slowly and carefully, not to make a sound. I maneuvered my body out of my small confinement and slowly shut the door, clicking the lock into place. Checking around to make sure no one was with me, I made my way to the hallway where Marcus had taken me down and where I knew I had to be.

Suddenly, a loud alarm rang throughout the property and I crouched down, afraid of what could come next, a rapid stampede or impending gunfire. Neither of which happened in the vicinity of my location. I heard shouting and thundering footsteps travel down the hallway that I had just been in. I threw my hand over my heart to slow its intense beating and peeked into the hallway. Apparently the siren meant something, a gang meeting perhaps. Shaking my head, I knew this was worse for me. They would realize soon enough that I wasn't in the room with the rest of them and they would come looking for me, most definitely starting in my room.

Ignoring my tense mind, I quickly ran down the hallway on the toes of my feet, careful not to make too much noise, even though the thundering of the men certainly quieted it. I stopped abruptly in front of the room marked B.D. and slid the key card in the slot to the left. It gave off a green light and the lock clicked open.

I hastily made my way inside the surprisingly large space. There was a table in the middle, littered with files, and expansive file cabinets on the left and the right. In the very back was a cell, and I quickly ran to that, hearing someone or something groan in pain.

A man was in the fetal position in the left side of the small metal cage, with blood covering the expanse of his body. I couldn't recognize him right away, but I knew he was one of my men from back home, seeing the multitude of tattoos on his body. Most men in gangs have tattoos, but there is something about the Black Diamond tattoos that really stand out, and we always make sure they are meaningful before we get them. These were careful and deliberate, and I knew that he was one of my men.

I slowly shrunk into the cell, surprised once again at finding it open. That's when I looked down and realized that the man was handcuffed to the floor, and knew that he couldn't get out even if he tried. I shrank down beside him, murmuring comforting words in Russian to him, knowing that most of the Black Diamond members were forced to learn it as part of the gang education, being as most of our arms and drug dealers were situated there. He stopped groaning and I gingerly rolled him to his back and pulled him up by his armpits, so he was leaning against the silver bars. I reached down and took my time wiping my thumb across his face, ridding him of the blood, so I could properly see him and he me.

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