Before You Read!

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Thank you so much for taking the time to read my novel! I got the idea for this book two years ago, and I have been writing it for over a year. I'm only fifteen, so its pretty self explanatory that this book isn't going to be perfection. It is going to have editing issues and stupid authors notes from when I was like thirteen. So just to apologize in advance before you start reading. If you don't appreciate it being unedited, you might want to walk away now. But I can assure you that pretty much all of the words are spelled right.

On top of that, I am also rewriting/editing the book as we speak (that is why it is on pause)! At the moment [12/21/15] I have rewritten up through chapter 9! As I continue editing and rewriting, the chapters may not intertwine as well as I hope they will when I am finished. The writing style is also different and I made the story more complex and dynamic. So if some parts don't make sense (chapters may not intertwine!! If you want to read a full story, like I often do, please wait until it is rewritten) feel free to ask me questions or come back in a few weeks when some new chapters are rewritten. I try to let my followers know when I have rewritten so you can check up on that!

In light of all of that, thank you so much for taking the time to read my story! If you like violence and everything like that, I can assure you that you might like this one. And as always, feel free to drop a comment or shoot me a private message! I love talking to you guys and I am always available to answer questions!

Thank you!

xoxo, Olivia


"If you have the power to choose to live, you have the power to survive anything that ever comes your way".

Blaze is a seventeen year old girl who is running from her past and couple people from it. Granted, her childhood wasn't the worst as she was in the Black Diamonds, the number one gang in the country. She had money, friends, and a great life. After a couple of mishaps occur, it leaves her with no option but to run away. She was hiding in a homeless shelter one night, when a gang called the Rising Suns picked her up. Blaze was initiated into the gang, but has a few tricks up her sleeve to make sure everything she wants goes according to plan.

With multiple boys vying for her attention, she is always the center of attention. With her secret past, she catches the eye of a certain gang leader who is willing to fix the mistakes.

When the gang picks Blaze up, will the future be the ultimate demise of both gangs?

Highest Rating: #14 in Action

Every Badass Girl Has Secrets  (ON PAUSE)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora