10. Giving Information

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Blaze's POV:

Every single person's eyes were on me. Well this is awkward.

"So, as you witnessed, I talked to your hostage. His name is Paul and he is a part of the Black Diamonds. He told me where they are located now. They are located at 919 Breech Drive. There will be the headquarters of the gang. I would plan your attack carefully".

"And how do we know that you aren't messing with us?" asked Marcus.

"Look up the address on one of your fancy smanchy computers." I was getting agitated.

Tony walked over to one of the computers and looked up the address. "It's legit. The Black Diamonds logo is on the west side of the building".

Brad smirked. "Let's go and destroy these punks".

I had to control the smirk that was fighting to get out. I really hope that they wouldn't call me on it. I knew that they wouldn't but still, it was always a possibility. And after being in gangs, you have to be open to every single possibility.

"You should attack at night," I shrugged, "they are more likely to be vulnerable".

"Good idea Blaze." Tony half-smiled at me. He must still be pissed about his nose. Suck it up you man child.

"In the time before we attack can I get a room?"

"Sure Blaze." Jaz led me out of the room, obviously to make sure that their "battle plans" would not  be overheard by a certain girl, me. I just smirked. Well the address was fake so you know they are way out of luck. I then realized that I had fallen behind pace with a certain blue haired boy. I ran a few steps to catch up to him.

"So this Hana girl, do you have a picture of her?"

His eyes lit up. "Of course!" He grabbed his phone out of his back pocket and unlocked it. I waited for a little bit and then a phone was shoved in my face. I looked at it.

On the screen was a beautiful Indian girl who had brown eyes and dark hair. She really was perfect. But the only problem was that I knew who she was.

Paul POV: (betcha weren't expecting that huh im so cool)

I was still stuck in this stupid room. Seeing Blaze had been an eye-opener. The whole Black Diamonds gang was in misery because of her and especially her dad. Her dad was the leader of the gang and when she went missing he took it the hardest. We all assumed she was dead but apparently she's not. I needed to get back to the gang.

It was surprisingly easy to get out of the shackles. I just unlocked my feet and walked over to the door. And the door was open. Idiots. This gang was nothing compared to the Black Diamonds. I got out of the room and put my head down.

All I had to do to get out was put my head down and concentrate on getting out. I had to get past two guards and all that took was a few punches. I grabbed the keys to a vehicle and started the car. I sped away, to where the Black Diamonds were hiding now.

The building was about thirty minutes away from the Rising Suns.  On the drive there, I wondered what kind of shit would go down when I told them she was alive. Mostly all of the boys were in love with her and they all went crazy when she was gone. With her long black hair I don't blame them but I'm twenty-six and she's fifteen. She is more of my younger sister.

I realized I had pulled up to the warehouse.

The guards immediately put their weapons on my car and fired a shot. I ducked and then stuck my head out of the car.

"Relax! I escaped and now I need to call a gang meeting!"

They nodded and let me pass. I parked the car carelessly and ran inside.

It was utter chaos.

People fighting and fighting dirty. I whistled through my fingers and got all of their attention. They turned and when they saw me they were shocked. Many gasps and whispers went through the crowd of men.

"Where is Damien?"

"Right here Paul". An mans face peered up at me and he looked like shit. He was weary and wearing thin. His hair was graying and it was all because of Blaze. "How did you get out?"

Everybody turned towards me expectant of my answer.


Then all hell broke loose.

a/n- sorry that this is such a filler chapter. THanks for all of the reads (:

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