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"Charles Leclerc wins the Monaco Grand Prix to achieve his dream victory." Words that Charles Leclerc had to admit, he never thought he would hear. After 2 years, a victory like no other in any race and of all places, his home country.

As Charles tore through the final laps, he met the cheers of those in the stands. His mind went to that of his father who he had been thinking of the last 15 laps or so, he wishes that his father was here, to see his son win in Monte-Carlo. During the last lap of the Grand Prix he couldn't help but tear up, a single tear falling into his helmet, as the realization of victory was straight ahead.

Celebrations continued throughout the night with all of the drivers on the grid, even those in last place, partied alongside Charles. The clock struck 3am, and empty plastic cups of alcohol lay strewn across the ground. Alexandra, Charles' Girlfriend, had gone back to the hotel already, and left him with his friends on the balcony of the race track, most of which had also already left.

"Congrats again Charles" Max says, as he attempts to collect all of his belongings, which in a drunken state, is no easy task. Max was drunk for another reason however, to shield his mind from his "failure". He placed 6th in the race. Which to any other driver could be seen as an accomplishment, but to Jos Verstappen, an embarrassment like no other. Max downed one more glass of champagne, as thoughts crossed his mind of what his father would say when he saw him next.

"Can you give... a ride to the hotel?" Max asked Pierre Gasly in a slur of words. "Sure buddy" Gasly replied, knowing that Verstappen was in no state to get home by himself. Charles watched as Max Verstappen, his rival but at the same time best friend, left the party. "Thank you for staying Max" Charles called out as Max was being dragged out of the balcony by Pierre. Max, with no ability to speak clearly, replied with a half hearted smile towards Charles as he continued stumbling off of the balcony with Pierre.

Charles couldn't help but feel some remorse for Max's state of mind. They hadn't spoken much since the end of the last season in Abu Dhabi after Max's championship victory. They had partied similarly then. Charles understood to an extent what Max's relationship with his father was like, and he knew that Jos would not be satisfied with anything other than pole position.

Charles is left alone on the balcony now, as he overlooks Monte-Carlo, his home. Even through the alcohol he could feel tears beginning to build. "Dad..." he cried softly to himself. "I wish you were here to watch the Tifosi cheer for me.." he says in a whisper, trying to hide any emotion from those in the room across the balcony. Daniel Ricciardo, who had walked out to the balcony to retrieve his jacket, saw Charles sitting by himself. "Charles?" Daniel says in a soft tone. Charles' eyes shoot up to see Daniel standing immediately behind him. In an attempt to hide his tears he turns away and rubs his eyes, but Daniel already knew what was on the younger drivers' mind.

"He would be so proud of you Leclerc"

Charles feels his tears building up again as Daniel sits down next to him. He had always been more emotionally available with Daniel, as he was ever really the only one that would sit and listen "I really miss him Daniel". Charles remarks as the tears begin to win the battle, and start to fall. Daniel wraps his arm around Charles' back and rubs his shoulder gently. "I know... Why don't we get you some water, and back into the party inside?" Daniel asks, hoping that it would help Charles feel better about his father's passing, and also by sobering him up at the same time.

"Ok.." Charles replied as he shakily stood up. He had drunk enough champagne to down a mule, but could still somewhat control his own senses. "I'll meet you inside Daniel" Charles said as he placed both of his hands on the railing of the balcony. Daniel nods his head and gives Charles a pat on the back before walking back inside.

"I know you were watching up there, Papà'' Charles says, his accent slipping through. He looks up to the starry skyline of Monte-Carlo as he wipes his eyes one more time before slowly walking back into the main room where the remaining guests had congregated for some final goodbyes. Yuki Tsunoda's eyes lit up as he watched Leclerc walk back into the room. He ran over to him and embraced him in a hug. Tsunoda, who was as sober as a judge, had yet to see Charles all night. "Congratulations Charles!" Tsunoda remarks. Charles feels a smile creep back onto his face. "Thanks Yuki" Charles says, patting him on the back. Tsunoda breaks the embrace and gives Charles a smile before returning back to his conversation with Zhou. Daniel notices that Charles had walked back into the room, he picks up a cold bottle of water from the cooler and hands it to Charles. "Here you go mate. Drink up." Charles obliges and downs the entire bottle in a few moments, the cold liquid shooting down his throat reminding him of how dehydrated he was. 

"Thank you Daniel" Charles says before placing the empty bottle into the trash can, adjacent to him. Ricciardo offers a smile as Charles walks away. Leclerc can feel his eyes getting heavier now, the exhaustion of the day finally hitting him, like a brick wall. If he didn't find a bed soon, he might just curl up on the cold concrete and call it a night. "Hey Carlos. Can we go?" Charles says to his teammate. Carlos, who was talking to Lando Norris nods and calls their driver to take us back to the hotel. 

Charles and Carlos had always been great friends, and an even better duo on the racetrack just hours ago. "Thanks for the help Carlos. Winning this. Winning Monaco, means the world to me." Charles tells Carlos a smile escaping his lips. "Of course" Carlos replies, his Spanish accent thick, and ever prevalent behind his exhaustion. "I'm surprised Verstappen settled for sixth." Carlos replies. "Me too. Me too." Charles says before watching their car pull up and park next to them. They both get in and head back to the hotel. Carlos unlocks the door to his hotel room and says a quick goodnight to Leclerc before closing the door. Charles leans against the wall as he stumbles to his room, he unlocks the door with his room key and sees that his girlfriend was already sleeping. He shuts the light off, falls onto the bed, and almost immediately falls asleep. 

Charles could be on top of the world right now, he has a beautiful girlfriend, a new trophy, the best friends he could ask for, but there is something missing and he doesn't know what that something is.  

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