Meet Me in the Woods

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Song to listen to while reading! "Meet Me in the Woods" - Lord Huron

I finally get to say this, Smut warning ahead. Read at your own risk 😏

"I'm sorry" Max repeated

"I'm sorry for being stupid enough to push you away, I'm sorry for being so naive." Max pleaded, practically begging for Charles to even just forgive him. 

The Monegasque was still hurt because of Max's actions, but with the combination of his deep blue eyes peering into his soul, and the general consensus that Max trusted him again in his darkest moment, made Charles fold like a lawn chair.

"Of course I forgive you Max." Leclerc said softly, running his fingers through the Dutchman's hair. Max's eyes lit up a bit at the younger drivers words, as if the flame that had been extinguished by his departure, had finally been lit again. 

Since the pair were in the same hotel, Charles had no issue staying the night in the hotel room, that is if Max wanted it of course. 

"Do you want me to stay?" Charles asked, bringing his eyes back to the Dutch driver. 

"Yeah.. I do" Max said before sitting himself up, back against the bed. 

The pair conversated for a few minutes before Max stretched his arms up in the air, and at the same time allowing a yawn to escape his lips. Charles laughed as he pulled himself up off of the ground.  

"You look exhausted Max, we should probably get you to bed" Charles said before extending his hand to the older driver, pulling him up off of the ground as well. 

Max nods in affirmation. The dutchman crawls under the covers of the hotel bed and jokingly pats his hand on the other side of the bed. Charles obliged and laid down next to Max.

Verstappen was surprised that the Monegasque had actually shared the same interest in sharing the bed, when there was a perfectly comfortable second bed adjacent to the other, but he was happy he did. 

Max had found a new level of comfort with the driver, and slowly brought his arm over the other drivers body. Charles could help but smile as he felt Max pull him closer to his body. 

"You're really warm," Charles whispered, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them.

Max chuckled softly, his breath tickling the back of Charles' neck. "It's a talent," he replied, tightening his grip slightly.

They lay there for a while, the sounds of the city outside fading into the background as they basked in each other's presence. Max's heart pounded in his chest, not from the exhaustion of the day, but from the unfamiliar yet welcome intimacy they were sharing.

Charles shifted his body slightly so that he was now facing Verstappen, still under his arm of course. "This is... nice" Charles replied softly, followed by a gentle grin from Verstappen. 

Max seized the opportunity of Charles' face now being more accessible. He slowly moved his lips towards Leclerc and placed them gently on his. The Monegasque felt a wave of emotions flow over him in one second, but he knew he wanted this more than anything else at the moment. 

Verstappen used his arm to pull Charles a little closer to him before deepening the kiss. The sensation was electric, and both of the drivers had lost themselves in the moment. Their lips moved in a perfect dance, exploring and conveying emotions they hadn't fully expressed until now.

Charles responded eagerly, his hands finding their way to Max's hair, fingers tangling in the soft strands. The kiss now grew more passionate, their breathing became heavy as they gave in to the intensity of their feelings.

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