Little Lies

543 24 17

Canadian Grand Prix

The week off had come and went without anything major. Charles and Alexandra had only met one more time in Monaco before they both set off for Montreal on two different flights. Something the press picked up on, but assumed it was likely only because of scheduling conflicts. 

Max Verstappen hadn't talked to his father since that night, and he knew his father was going to be in Montreal. In a way he was happy to get to see his father, but behind that he knew the pain that was more than likely to follow. He knew he had to win, as it was the only thing that Jos Verstappen would approve of. 

It was press day in Montreal, and Max and Charles had been assigned a press conference together. It was nothing new for the pair to be sat together and asked questions about the upcoming race, but Max was dreading sitting next to Charles today, mostly because of the questions he knew would be asked of him.

"Max. Sources reported to us that you did indeed miss the Red Bull team meeting the day before Monaco. Did that have to do with your loss in the Monaco Grand Prix?" A reporter asked before allowing time for Max to respond. 

He couldn't tell the truth, because telling reporters that the reason you missed a meeting was due to your father screaming at you so loud that you couldn't stop crying, is not a great look. 

Max thought for a moment before finally coming up with an answer, "I was feeling under the weather, and my team wanted to allow me time to rest before the race. Monaco was always a circuit we knew going into, that we might not win. We are prepared for Montreal and can't wait to get out onto the track" 

Charles looked over at Max with a surprised look on his face, he had to act as if he didn't already know that Max missed that meeting. 

"Charles. Coming off of that win in Monaco, how can you expect to translate that momentum into Montreal. Do you think you can win on Sunday?"

Charles puts on a fake smile and replies, "Monaco wasn't a fluke and I am more than ready to get out on the track and win it here in Montreal." Charles looks over at Max after his reply, Max looked exhausted and irritated. 

Charles didn't say it then of course, but he truly wanted to ask Verstappen what was going on. The conference ended and both of them waved off to the crowds before walking back into the private rooms that the cameras had no access to.

"Max. Is something going on with you?" Charles asked in a tone so sincere that Max could felt it tug at his heart strings. Why did Charles care what was going on in my personal life, Max thought to himself. Verstappen let the question sit for a moment before replying with a simple, "No".

Charles could tell that something was indeed wrong, but was now the time to push it? 

"You seem.. off.." Charles said before taking off his Ferrari jacket and throwing it on the couch adjacent to him. "I've seen you lose before Max. Why are you acting different?" 

Max did not know how to respond, the truth is that he was acting different and he knew that. His father yelling at him was nothing new to Max, but it had been affecting him differently as of late. Maybe it was because he hadn't held someone in his arms for months, or possibly because Max realized that his father was all that he had left of his family, and even his own father hated him enough to say those things that he did that night.

"I don't know. I just haven't been able to sleep right since Monaco. I'm fine. Just really exhausted." Max replied half-hearted. Charles couldn't help but look concerned. Max was his rival on the track, but he truly wanted Max to know that he could come to him about this sort of thing. 

"You know you can talk to me if something is wrong..." Charles said before taking a step closer to Max, who had backed himself into the wall, shying away from the questions asked of him like a small child. 

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