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I walk down my driveway on a blue Saturday morning. Ready to start my daily workout.

I do some jogs around the block with my headphones on full blast. Listening to a really funny podcast I randomly stumbled upon on Spotify.

Some guy just talking about his mother and stuff.

as I jogged around the block, the same guy I saw from yesterday, laid on the grass. He looked dead.

I took my headphones off and the sound of my heavy breathing took over.

I huffed and walked a little closer to the gate of the green field to get a better look at the curly head. Umm I am very concerned.

I get a little scared and run to the proper entrance of the gate. (You will never catch me jumping over one LMAOO.)

"Hello!?" I shouted to see if he would respond. He did not.

I whipped out my phone very quickly the closer I got to his body.

I clashed on to my knees and put a hand to his face to see if he would react

I shoved him to get him to wake up.

No, please don't die wtf

I quickly dialled in the number and pressed my are against it.

"He-hello?" I yelled into the phone

"This is 911, what's your emergency?"

"Oh, hi! umm, I found some guy laying in the middle of the literal football field, and he's not responding!." I become even more stressed and a little traumatised.

"Okay, can you please tell me your location?" The lady on the line says and I give it to her. She tells me to remain calm and to help keep him alive.

I put my hand under his head.

"Can you please check for pulse"

I obey the lady and lean over him to see if he has a pulse. Thank the Man above that HE DOES.

"Yes! He's still breathing!"

"Okay, does have any cuts or bruises or anything like that on his body?" She asks

I examine him looking for any wounds.

Nothing on his face, so I checked his head. Nothing was seen behind his head. I become stressed and angrily confused.

I decide to just run my fingers through his curls searching for bumps or cuts. How long has he been out here? He's so cold.

I felt a bump forming at the top of his head.

"Uhh, he has a bruise, a bump or whatever on the top of his head. But I don't know if it's recent!"

"Okay, that's okay." She says

"Is there anything on the ground? Some sort of object that might have hit him?"

I looked around and all there was, was a cap and a baseball.

"a baseball." I told her.

I jolted when the guy all of a sudden woke up with a gasp. He opened his tired looking eyes, looking around confused.

I let out a deep breath. The relief.

His eyes then meet mine. I must've looked ugly as hell but I'm saving his life.

"He's awake oh my gosh." I said over the phone call.

"Okay great! Officers are almost there to your location. Now, all you have to do is just try to keep him awake."

I sigh and he groans shutting his eyes. My eyes widen and freak out, slapping his chest a bit too hard.

"Ow." He says tiredly.

"Sorry!" I apologise

I put a hand on his forehead to check his temperature. This man is FREEZING COLD.

I hurry to take off my sweater and gently place it on him. Rubbing his arms to help him become warmer.

"So, are you a friend of his?" a women at the van asks me. I shook my head.

"Please, come with me" the boy that was out cold says lazily looking to me with desperation

I look at him and he seemed pretty sad to look at that I couldn't say no.

"Are you comfortable to sit in the back?, just to keep him company."

I look at the woman and respond with a kind "okay."

"It seems to me that his bruise is the size of the baseball, he must've hit his head pretty hard and collapsed making him fall into deep sleep." The doctor tells me.

"oh, and this guy has no friends on his contact list, and his parents are overseas. So you'll be here for a while." He also says as he held a clipboard.

I completely fall silent and feel bad for the boy that laid in the hospital bed. Him not having friends at all makes me kinda sad.

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