Sunset Shimmer VS Twilight and Discord

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Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon ran out side with the two crowns. Twilight and Discord were already outside, both holding a huge mallet.

Sunset Shimmer tripped the two girls over, sending the crowns flying into the air.

Derpy threw them to Trixie, Trixie threw them both to Sonata but she missed, resulting in Discord and Twilight catching them both.

Twilight laughed sickeningly, so did Discord.

Discord: At last... more power than we've ever imagined.

They carefully placed the crowns on their heads, causing them to groan in agony as they then transformed into demons.

{She-demon Twilight and demon Discord}

Twilight and Discord opened their eyes, then laughing evilly.

Demon Twilight: Me and Discord have had to jump through so many hoops tonight just to get our hands on these crowns and they should've been ours all along!!

Demon Discord: Let's let by gones be by gones.

She-demon Twilight and Demon Discord: You will be us!!!!

Sunset Shimmer and her friends then started to fight the two demons.

They called on the elements of harmony:


Gilda- Kindness

Sonata- Laughter

Trixie- Generosity

Starlight- Loyalty

Sunset Shimmer- Magic

Sunset Shimmer: You both don't deserve this power because you cannot wield the most powerful magic of all... the magic of friendship.

They created a rainbow which struck Demon Discord and Demon Twilight.

Twilight+Discord: Nooooooooo!!!!!!!!

{Twilight and Discord defeated} Smoke came from a huge hole after the big fight. Twilight and Discord sat in there, scars on their faces, tears and blood mixed on their faces.

Discord was crying more than Twilight was.

Starlight: You shouldn't have been so mean to us!!

Discord and Twilight looked up at the girls and started crying again.

Discord: We're sorry... we're so sorry!!

Twilight: We didn't know there was another way.

Twilight+Discord: We don't know the first thing of friendship.

Sunset Shimmer helped them up and smiled.

Sunset Shimmer: My friends can help you.

Twilight smiled and so did Discord.

MLP Equestria Girls- Twilight Sparkle VersionWhere stories live. Discover now