Chemicals make me cling to you

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"Hey... Pat."
"Whaaa?" I rub my bleary eyes.
"Wake up dude," 
"Pete?" I squint at the moonlight.
"Heyyy look you're awake Pat."
"I'm what?" I giggle, my hands look funny.

"I said you're..."
"You have paint on your eyes," I whisper, wiping his dark eyes. "Eww, my hands are sticky now Pete look what you did." He grins at me. "Why are you laughing this is verrrrry serious sir." I feel kind of tipsy.
"Trick listen to me I'm gonna need you to turn over," he places his hands on my hips.
"This is side one flip me over," I smirk, "remember that song pete? Yeah good times. Good times."
"Shit Trick you're loosing a lot of blood," he holds his breath and looks like he's resisting something.
"No you are," i press his nose,"beeeeep beep motha trucker."
"Patrick can you be quiet for a second...please," Pete's hands are cold and shaking.

A moment of silence.

 "Pete i loved you... you know that right?"  Are those tears in his eyes? Oh no he's going to ruin his pretty make up. I think I'm losing blood again. "Pete promise me you won't leave me." I grip his hands with my wavering strength. There are police sirens in the distance. "Don't go please pete."
"I'm sorry."
Then he leaves me in the dark like he did before.

A/N I'm writing this on the bus to paintballing for a school trip and I have a suspicion that the stranger next to me knows i'm writing gay fanfiction. Maybe I should read her the milk fic and see what happens...hmmm. Anyways thanks for reading guys. Comment/vote feedback would be appreciated. Love ya~ Sarcasticstump 

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