Go read my jalex vampire fic!

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I mean you don't have to :) i'm not going to force you to read fanfiction :)

This book is finished. I'm happy with the ending and I like leaving the characters in this position, all happy and fluffy (except Brendon oops). I've started a Jalex fic where Alex is an evil vampire who *SPOILER* has a thing for jack. Good good. 

Here's the link: https://www.wattpad.com/250581394-vampires-will-never-hurt-you-jalex-lipstick-has-a

Thank you very very much to everyone who read this fic and left nice comments or voted. I read them all and grinned like an idiot. <3 I'm very sorry for all of the shameless song references. 

Okay that is all. 

Have a nice day.   


ADDITIONAL NOTE: this is future 2018 Philippa here, i cringed massively rereading what i used to consider my masterpiece (the amount of references i managed to shove in is impressive) however, i did genuinely enjoy writing this fic and being obssesed with all these bands and I consider it an honour to be part of the bandom at this time. 

Peace out guys.

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