Rescuing Mission

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Cassie's POV

It's been a few hours since we've been trapped here. We are restrained by our wrists and ankles to our chairs and we don't have much room to move. Just then I felt a presence in the room. 'We come to rescue you' said a voice in my mind and I felt the ropes come loose. 'M'gann is that you' I asked relieved. 'I came too' said another voice. 'Zee' said both Artemis and Babs. 'We have to hurry up and get out of here before the evil doppelgänger comes back' said Artemis.

We were all free and we opened the door to see our surroundings. There were no Nazis to be seen. 'I think we should go through the vents' said Babs. We all nodded and went to the nearest vent. M'gann and Zatana were the first to go. I went next and then helped Artemis up and she helped Babs up. We all crawled our way through the vents. We crawled around for 15 minutes, M'gann stopped above the surgical room where they had Kara.

Kara's POV

I woke up again in the surgical room. The first thing I saw was the red light lighting up the room. Evil Oliver was standing next to his wife staring right at me. I then saw a Nazi drag Iris and Felicity to the window. "Oh my god" said Iris. "Kara" said Felicity worried. At least I'm thankful for having such good friends who tried to risk their lives to save mine. Thawn then came to my side and was choosing which scalpel to picked."What are they doing" asked Iris.

He then approached me. "Snake sound. Metal through bone..." he said showing me the sharp scalpel in his hand. "...that's my favorite. You should probably close your eyes. This will be all over in a minute" said Thawn putting his mask over his nose. He then lowered the scalpel to my chest. I heard him grunt as he was pushing down but I couldn't feel anything on my chest. "What are you waiting for? Do it" demanded evil Oliver. "I'm trying. I'm trying but..."responded Thawn. Just then Ray appeared out of nowhere. He landed beside Thawn and tried to punch him but dodged but that gave Ray the opening to blast him and hit the wall. Just then the vent opened and M'gann, Zatana, Cassie, Artemis, and Babs came out.

Evil Oliver tried to attack Ray but he dodged and readied his blaster and shot Oliver to a wall. He then aimed his blaster at the Nazi that held Felicity and Iris. It went through the window and shot him square in the chest. Babs and Cassie untied me. "I'm so glad to see you guys" I said. "Us too" said Cassie. "Ray" I asked. "Hi. How are ya" he asked in his cheery voice. "Oh I got your SOS. How's the wedding" he asked Iris. We all just gave him a look. Just then Zatana, M'gann, Artemis, Cassie, and Babs hugged Iris and Felicity. "You're are alright" asked Felicity. They all nodded. "And it seems you are too" said Artemis. They nodded as well. "We have to get out of here before they wake up" said Ray.

We rushed out to the corridor. Ray was holding me by grabbing a hold of my waist and wrapping my arm over his shoulder since I'm still weak from the red sunlight. "Don't worry the rest of the Legends are here to bust everyone out" informed Ray. "Wait we need someone to lock the time vault" said Felicity. "I got it" said Iris. "Cassie and I will join you" said Babs. They all nodded. "You guys get Kara out of here. Be careful" said Cassie looking at me and I nodded. "Be careful" said Felicity to the three of them. They nodded and took off. "Okay I know I'm late to the party but why have Nazi doppelgängers taken over Star Labs" asked Ray.

"They're from Earth X. They hate everybody. They want to steal Kara's heart. And they have this giant robot" explained Felicity. "Oh I've actually fought one of those before. A little-known fact the suit doesn't just shrink..." "Ray" exclaimed Zatana. There was a Nazi with a gun coming our way. Ray turned his arm huge and pushed him against the wall like a fly. "... it turns big" he exclaimed.

Author's POV

Back in the underground cells in Star Labs everyone was sitting quietly until an announcement came on. "Attention all prisoners. Great news, the cavalry has arrived" said Nate. "About time" grumbled Rene. "I knew I could count on you pretty. Did you bring beers" asked Mick. "Better yet an army" asked Rene. Then the door opened to reveal Nate. "Who needs an army when you got Legends" said Nate smoothly. A Nazi was backing away into a wall. You could have heard a lion roar and then a gust of wind was shot at him and sent him flying to the wall. It was Amaya and Zari.

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