8. Giddy

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Issac let go of her only to stand in front of her. And she was aghast how her body didn't like the loss of his warmth.

"He is my senior." She told the truth. Not knowing why her fake boyfriend was inquiring about it because no one was exactly prying on their conversation.


She frowned slightly. "It's nothing you should worry about," she said with a tight-lipped smile and noticed how he nodded calmly but his eyes looked darker.

"You're right. Let's go," he said, grabbing her hand and intertwining their fingers as he walked ahead of her and pulled her along.

She gaped at their hands. Her hand was so small all snuggled up in his big veiny hand. But why were they holding hands? She glanced up and noticed his broad shoulders and back. He was so tall and broad. Not buff, just simply perfect.

Innessa swallowed thickly, lightly pulling at her hand but he didn't let go. Instead, he threw her a glance over his shoulder.

"Everyone in your department has their eyes set on us. I believe they'll tell Henry if they find anything suspicious. We should act like a true couple," he said facing ahead and her eyes lowered down to their hands. She held his hand back, wrapping her small fingers in his hand as much as she could as they headed to the parking lot.

She felt warm.


He stopped near his shiny black Mustang. Issac glanced around them before letting go of her hand, she instantly balled it in a fist holding it on her side. She rubbed her palm on her jeans twice because she was sweating. It was because of nervousness.

"You wanted to talk?" she asked in a small voice, nervously staring at his back.

"Yeah, get in the car," he said, unlocking his car as he walked to the passenger side and opened the door for her like a true gentleman.

"Why?" She asked politely, she didn't want to sound rude or offend him but was he taking her somewhere?

"I thought you'd be comfortable talking in the car away from all the eyes, the glass is tinted, and no one could see you inside," he said with the tip of his head.

"Thank you for being considerate," she said with a light smile as she walked over to him and got inside the car. As soon as he closed the door she was hit by his scent. She felt as if she was almost sitting on the road because she had mostly used the bus for her convenience and the seating was so high up from the road. The interior was magnificent. Innessa never had the luxury of sitting in such a lavish car. It was her first time, and she was swooning over the feeling of excitement. She wanted to click a picture while sitting behind the wheel but that would be so weird, Issac would think of her as stupid. What if he thought she was a gold digger for wanting that picture?

The door to the driver's side opened and Issac got inside the car, closing the door behind him. And instantly his scent intensified.

She glanced at a group of guys walking past their car. "Don't worry, they can't see us." He assured her as she nodded.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" She asked softly, peeking a glance at him only to find his eyes fixed dead set on her.

She quickly averted her gaze. He looked so big in that small place. His whole existence was intimidating. If he wouldn't talk to her nicely, she'd be running for the hills, far away from him. No wonder Henry was scared of him.

"So, we are going to pretend we are dating. We both are aware we aren't dating but everyone thinks we are," he said casually tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.

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