Missing time

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*Beckys POV*

Four months later..

Me and Freen were back into our usual routines of work and coming home and spending all the time together and spending Friday nights with Nam, Mind, and Irin, and sometimes Heng and Charlotte.

But since last month Freen has been busier with work.

We both have but Freen is a whole different level.

Now I find myself going to sleep alone until like 2am in the morning or she won't even come to me or talk to me or anything and be laser focused until she is done.

She won't come to our small Friday outings anymore, and she doesn't eat well and barely sleeps.

Freen decided to go two days in the office and most days working from home. Since she already owns many business and companies and others.

And whenever I ask her why it's so busy she gets really defensive about it.

Last night I snapped at her

Last night...

I got a message from Freen saying she would be home at 6pm, since today she was at the office.

So I made dinner, and since I've been missing Freen so much I wore short shorts and a spaghetti top with one of Freen's favourite lingerie on me.

She came home at 9pm.

And just walked in.

"Oh hey thanks for dinner" Freen said grabbing a plate putting her food on and then going back to her office in our home.

She didn't even kiss my cheek or notice that I was wearing short shorts or lingerie or just care.

But I wasn't just gonna give up
I served myself dinner and ate up watching some show and then I made my way to Freen's office.

*knock knock knock*

"Come in Beck" I heard Freen call.

I made my way in practically in the lingerie this time and no shorts or top.

And I saw Freen's mouth water.

I sexily strutted my way over and straddled Freen's lap.

"Hi" I say with a smirk.

"Hi baby" Freen says her eyes not leaving my chest.

"Hey eyes are up here Freen" I say teasingly pulling her face up to face mine.

I start to kiss her and that led to a full makeout sesh a hot and steamy one.

And right when she's about to go any further she stops SHE ACTUALLY STOPS AND LEFT ME HANGING DRY.

Saying "stop distracting me Beck I have to work right now" 

With that I took defeat and walked away sadly.

I don't just miss making love with Freen I miss Freen's attention and love and just her presence.

Present day..

Today was strange though Freen still got up and started off early in her office and since I had the day off I made no effort to go in and try and get her attention so I went out with Irin to the mall

I was bored and if my girlfriend won't give me attention I'll go have fun with my bestfriend.

She didn't even notice I was gone until  I got back home and that's when I really lost my patience.

Because when I got home it was 12 at night.

I spent the rest of the day at irins because I didn't wanna be alone.

"Ok Freen you know what I'm done right now" I said stomping my way upstairs and going into our bedroom and grabbing Freen's pillow and blanket and throwing it out.

"Hey Becky what the fuck!" Freen exclaimed.

"You don't even care about me anymore! You don't love me you don't pay attention to me I was practically parading myself infront of you like a hooker and you didn't even make love with me. You don't kiss me on the cheek when you come in or eat meals with me anymore or send me have a good day midday message" I yelled my anger surfacing.

"WELL IM SORRY IM TRYING TO NOT LOSE IMPORTANT COMPANIES RIGHT NOW! YOU WANT SEX FINE" Freen said before making her way back into our bedroom. And started kissing me roughly and to aggressively and fast.

And groped me to hard like it was out of anger.

"Freen slow down"

"Freen stop!"

"FREEN" I yelled the last time before pushing her off me crying.


"Becky baby I- I'm sorry I didn't mean to be so agressive" Freen said before trying to hug me.
And honestly I took it in because I just wanted my Freen back.

"I'll take the day off tomorrow?" Freen asked while gently caressing my hair.

"Mmm yes please" I mumble.

"Ok I'll take the day off tomorrow and we can be just me and you I'm sorry baby please forgive me my love" Freen said before kissing me so softly and gently.

"Come to bed with me please I don't wanna sleep alone" I say.

"I'm here baby."

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