Chapter 14

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By the time I am up and dressed Emmie has already set off for work. So I spend the morning moping around the empty flat my head still spinning trying to come to terms with what happened last night. After a while spent watching pathetic daytime television I decide I need to do something. Obviously I can’t go see Ollie because… oh come on do I really have to explain why? Anyway so I grab an empty pad of paper and a pen to start writing. I manage to make quite a good start and I end up with an angle a plan and a structure but I don’t think I’m in a very good place to actually start writing the article due to the fact that I am currently furious at him. I’ve been given a chance to think about this now and right now I absolutely hate the guy. He kissed me and then ignored me, who does that? He treated me like crap and the next time I see him I am going to give him hell for it. My anger is made worse by the fact that I actually love him. So along with the whole ‘you completely used me’ thing I resent him because I like him if that makes any sense? I’m guessing it doesn’t. I give up a while later and deciding to get out of the house before I go absolutely crazy I head out for a walk around. I wander aimlessly for a while with no particular point which funnily enough is basically a metaphor for my whole entire life. Perfect huh?

To waste some more time on my way back to the flat I turn into the newsagent on the corner to buy some desperately needed chocolate. On my way to the till with my big pack of minstrels in hand my eyes scan across the newspaper stand and my eyes stop on a newspaper advertising: PICS FROM LAST NIGHT’S FILM PREMIERE! It’s one of those trashy newspapers, (to be honest I think calling it a ‘newspaper’ is a bit of a stretch,) you know the ones that only talk about celebrities despite the fact there is a whole world of actual news happening all around. I flick through the pages before I reach the one advertised on the front. The guy on the other side of the counter raises his eyebrows at me. It’s the same one from last time who forced me to buy a magazine. “Calm down I’m going to buy it,” I snap. Great now I have to by the bloody thing. I scan through a couple of pictures mostly of Ollie and cringe with the memories of what happened. I stare at one particular picture. Ollie is staring into the camera cockily his mouth slightly parted into a charming smile. Then I notice myself in the background. I’m standing a bit away but my eyes are fixed on him and I’m smiling at him all my attention fixed on him. I’m ignoring everything else despite the fact that there is so much going on all around me but all I can do is smile and blush slightly. It’s so obvious I’m in love. But nobody notices. Not the press, not Ollie and at the time not even me. I’m just the random person lingering in the back and getting in the way of a good shot. “OMFG is that you?” a girl of about fifteen gasps jabbing at my picture in the back of the paper leaning over my shoulders and on her tip toes. “Yes,” I answer rolling my eyes.

“But you’re stood right next to Ollie freaking Daniels,” she squeaks.

“Oh really I hadn’t noticed,” I reply sarcastically.

“Are you taking the piss he’s right in front of you!” she squawks.

“I was joking. Anyway shouldn’t you been in school?” I ask irritated. She cleared off pretty quickly after that.

When I get home Emmie is back home from work sat pouring over a mountain of files her brow furrowed with concentration and a collection of empty coffee mugs to her right. “Hey,” I smile pouring myself a glass of water. She makes a murmur of recognition but sits still her highlighter poised and ready in her hand. Emmie’s job is to find loopholes in contracts to benefit her clients and she’s brilliant at it. I take the seat next to her and sip at my glass of water then a couple of seconds later Emmie throws down the highlighter and looks up; her eyes shining with excitement. I have to admit it startled me a little and I almost choked on my mouthful of water. “Okay, go! Tell me everything!” she demands looking at me eagerly. So remember when I told you Emmie looks for loopholes in contracts for a living and she’s really good at it? Yeah? Well that translates into real life. Emmie can find loopholes in anything including lies. Lying to Emmie is impossible so I’ve been practicing this moment all day. “Nothing much, it wasn’t really that special,” I answer nonchalantly and breezily before taking a casual sip of water. Emmie looks at me with one eyebrow raised. I think that means I’m busted. “Oh really?” she asks me suspiciously. I nod. The less I speak the better. “Who was there?” she asks relaxed.

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