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After soomin left the place jimin lock the door he came to stand infront of jungkook his Lavender scent is bitter his eyes filled with tears his hands cleared his tears but his eyes filled with tears again with red and anger face he sees jungkook "why jungkook! what are you doing with her? i know you don't love me, you don't want me in your life i know.. but... atleast please respect our relationship. You asked me stay away from you why ? because you want to have your sluts behind my back" jimin said to jungkook and starts crying silently "just stop your crying this is not what your thinking.. and I don't want to explain my self to you " jungkook said plainly and goes to sit on his chair but jimin doesn't stop from that " oh seriously you don't want to explain your self to me i am not worth of your explanation.... Then why the fuck you married me who I am to you tell me? you don't want to see me, you don't want to love me, you want me to stay away from you,.... i accepted all your conditions to be with you i waiting for you to live a life with you but I can't accept the betrayal from you...
I can't accept my alpha with another omega in front of my eyes " jimin said with a sobbing.

  " Jimin i already tells you it's not what you think she's the one comes to me she doesn't know that I already married so don't make big deal out of it and don't disturb me i have some work. " jungkook said calmly doing some work in his computer and jimin went out slamming the door jungkook sighed heavily he doesn't want his omega feel betrayed he knows how jimin feels seeing him with another omega but he can't change what happened. with the thought he goes to his work.

Some  time after j hope comes in his room with a slight anger "why are you all comes to my room uninvited ahhh" jungkook said tiredly "oh seriously Jeon what did you do to jimin why he is crying and running out of the office answer me" j hope said with anger jungkook stayed in silent j hope sighed and seated in the chair opposite of jungkooks table" jungkook what are you doing in your life what's going on between you two? tell me " said j hope jungkook started to tell him what happened today and how jimin reacted j hope silently heared everything " jungkook i am not telling you this because jimin is my friend i am telling you because your like my own brother i know you from childhood i want you to be happy that is why I am telling you. jimin is the only one for you he is not like others he is so much in love with you... you know what,, he is in  love with you from four years he knows your a Playboy he knows your cold behaviour but he is in so love with you that's why he is adamant about to marry you, please don't lose him he is the happiness of your life please accept him.. . . "  " i am going to my office bye" jhope said with sigh and went out of there jungkook looking at the front chair where jhope seated his heart beats fast from the think of losing the omega he is hurt by the think but he didn't know why he's hurt because of the lose of jimin he doesn't want to love him or live with him right,, then why his heart beats fast he doesn't know what to feel or what to do.

Jimin don't know where to go he doesn't want to go the Jeon mansion so he asked tae to meet him in restaurant he doesn't feel good he is in little dizzy some times after he parked his car on the restaurant parking area he went in the restaurant and sits on the chair by the window the restaurant is Cozi and homey he ordered some ice-cream he craved for a very loud sound heared by him from opposite and there tae is walking to him with his boxy smile they two hugged each other and sits on the chairs by the time their orders comes they started to eat " ok tell me why are you sad what happened jimin" tae said with worry he knows his friend well  and jimin starts crying he doesn't know where to go whom to talk but tae is the only one understands him so he comes to him he started to tell what happened from the day one of his marriage to this morning incident tae heared in  silent he knows his friend loves the  alpha dearly how he feels the moment he sees the alpha with another omega he wants to help his friend but he didn't know how " jimin i think you want to improve your self for your alpha" tae said casually and see's jimin head to toe "tae what are you telling you also think that I am not enough for him" jimin said worriedly " no no chim i never tell that your not enough i am telling you want to change your dressing to seduce your alpha. you know what think of over school and college days  how many alphas proposed you to marry them but your only ingnored them for the punk alpha of yours but see he didn't know your value so show your sexy side of yours. Show him who your to him and his bitches okay don't cry it's a weakness for you and smile for me please" tae said encouragingly .  jimin smiles to tae and they two talked some other things and goes their place in oposite side

Evening comes very fastly after meeting with tae jimin doesn't go to his office he stayed in the mansion it's only seven o clock jungkook doesn't comes this early so he managed to take shower longer than usual by the time he gets out of the bathroom and wore his black bathrobe the room door opened by jungkook they two stands there shocked he doesn't tied his robe jungkook see's this  his omegas beautiful milky white skin water drops falls his hair to his face and goes down jungkook want to suck the drops with kissing jimin and jimin see's where jungkooks eye travelled so out of frozen he hurriedly goes to his closest room and lock his door he breathed heavily his face feels very hot by the time he knows his face changed in red to see how the alpha eye fucking him shamelessly his omega in cloud nine to his alpha expression and jungkook he wants to jump on the omega to kiss him and hugs him and so many thoughts running his mind he sits on the bed some times after jimin comes out of the closet jungkook stands to go for the bathroom to take a bath.

jimin sitting on the bed with phone on his hand he heard jungkooks phone ringing he sees it's a unknown number so he waits for the phone off but the phone ringing again and again it's like four  missed calls so fifth time he attende to tell jungkook is busy but he tells that before a female voice says hello "hello jungkook how are you babe you comes to night right" it's soomins voice he knows with in this he cut the call harshly same time jungkook opened the door he wears black t shirt and grey trackpants "what are you doing with my phone" asked jungkook to see jimins anger filled face "oh sorry your one of the slut called you to ask you about your arrival to her place" jimin said venom filled words jungkook sighed and goes to sit on the couch of the room with it jimin glared jungkook his scent spikes in air jungkook growls in frustration to see his omega he wants to console jimin but he stayed in the couch jimin don't know why is he feels so much emotional about this jungkook can't see him crying so he stands to go to the bed and sit beside jimin " jimin don't cry they are my past before our marriage i know how I am but I respect this marriage and I don't cheat you... and today ...i accept that first i stumbled into her but after i realised I am married you i pushed her away from me but suddenly she kissed me and I want to push her but you already comes and pulled her by me " jungkook said to jimin and the omega felt little happy to hear that jungkook respect their marriage so with a happy he hugs jungkook.  jungkook stayed in frozen some times after jimin felt what he is doing he back up from jungkook the alpha see his omega from this near his eyes transfer to jimins eyes from to his lips he slowly neared jimin holds jimin face with his hand jimin shivered from the cold touch of his alpha he closed his eyes to feel jungkooks touch seeing this expression from jimin jungkook closed the gaps between their lips he slowly started to kiss jimin first jimin shocked then he also started to kiss him the slow kiss change into passionate and sensual jungkook deside to pull jimin towards him from his waist he kissed and sucking his lips jimin moans from the kiss jungkook kisses his neck his hands caress jimin hips and sucking his neck he goes down from his neck to his chest suddenly his phone ringed  jungkook comes out of the spell named jimin he takes his phone and went out of there with a bulg under his pants and coming to jimin he is in cloud nine jungkook kissed him it's not forced like their first he smiled and touched himself where jungkooks touch lingering him with a shy and happy face he lief down his bed and jungkook he doesn't know why he does that but.... he wants to do that again again and again a small smile come to his face from the thought of his omega.


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