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Today is the most hectic day of this week it's Monday jimin comes very early today so he can finish some work early and can go to hospital for his check up, because he has some health issues from two days and also jungkook can't be come early today because of the issues with other pack leaders. mr Jeon, Namjoon and mr park also goes with him to attend the meeting and some elders also attending the meetings with them to talk about regarding the problems of omegas and betas they are going through with big issues with their alpha mates because the rule of "must give a heir with in one year"  some alphas misusing their rules for mate many omegas and betas to only for their pleasure, so somany omegas and betas are affected by this. so jungkook and others want to change the rules but some elders and other pack leaders are not accepting this. jungkook can change this rule with his power easily because he is a true blood alpha, among all of them is a normal wolves. but mr Jeon want to work in unison so he didn't want to use jungkooks title to subdued them.

It's lunch time but jimin still working in his office jungkook come to his room with tired and goes straightly to his chair to sit jimin stars at him he wants to go and ask about his day or he wants anything but he didn't know how to do, he just went out and came few minutes after with a cup of black coffee jungkooks favourite and puts on jungkooks table near by him jungkook stars at jimin and the cup "it's for you ah.., i am going to order some lunch you want anything jungkook" jimin asked, a small smile appears on jungkooks face but he stopped suddenly to not notice by him and he takes the coffee and sips, he goes to answer jimin but the door click stops him there mr Jeon and mr park come to them " sorry for disturbing your lovely times and how are you son" mr Jeon asked jimin jimin hugs them one by one " hi dad I fine and how are you and mom doing"   jimin said to mr Jeon" hi dad you didn't tell me about your arrival and came sit i will bring coffee for both of you " jimin said to them jungkook also hugs them both they all sits on the couch jimin went out to bring them coffee " jungkook you and jimin want to go to Paris to attend  meeting with model agency for our upcoming project so clear your schedules for that "mr Jeon said " but dad jimin is in not in the state of travel and we want to discuss with him about this before making decisions " jungkook said to him " it's ok son i will ask him about this because it's not only a business meeting it's also your honeymoon "mr park said to jungkook because they are already planned for their trip the meeting is just excuse for send them jimin comes with a coffee s for them they two takes their cups jimin sits with jungkook on the two seated couch mr Jeon and mr park sitting in their single seat couches mr Jeon and mr park tells him about the meeting jimin don't know how to feel his inner  omega jumping with a joy and a happiness spreads his heart but he didn't want to show any feelings infront of jungkook so he stayed silent for some time and nodded lightly, jungkook alpha also feels happy to think about his time with his omega so he asked "tell me when we want to be there dad because before that I have some important works to do" jungkook asked them "coming Saturday evening you two want to go to airport there our private flight waits for you and after one week you can come and start your work" mr park said  they talk some time and they had lunch together and after that they left.

Jungkook came out of the company to the parking lot and see's jimin waiting near by his car with a phone on his hand jungkook goes to him "jimin what happened have you not left yet?" jungkook asked him jimin turned to see him "ah no my car tyre is puncher so I am waiting for cab to go" jimin said to jungkook " then come i will drop you home" jungkook said and turn to went for his car " no it's ok I can take cab anyway because I am not going to home i am going to hospital" jimin said jungkook stopped his feet hearing this and turned and come near by him to cup his face and checks his forehead to feel any fever "what happened jimin does it hurt somewhere tell me baby why don't you tell me earlier" jungkook Bamber him with his questions jimin felt butterflies flying in his stomach hearing the baby word and his alphas concerning words does something in his body " no alpha i am alright don't worry it's mm it's just i have to ask about my mm .. heat ..., because I have some symptoms and it's not my routine time for this so,. i want to check " jimin said his cheeks change fully red and he lower his head to not able to see jungkook because it's very first time to talk about his heat circulation with his husband his scent change very sweet suddenly jungkook felt the change on his surroundings his eyes goes to jimins lips because of the heat radiating between them jimin noticed how his alpha staring at him a love and lust filling eyes they two want to close the gap between them but suddenly jimins phone rings they snapped at the sound jimin see's who is the caller " i want to go alpha the cab waiting for me" jimin said and turned to go but jungkook stopped him by pulling his hand " no send them we are going for your check up and I will drop you at your home come let's go" with that he didn't wait for jimins answer he just pulls him to his car and opened the door for him to sit and he goes to sit on driver seat and starts to car engine, the drive was complete silent.

After thirty minutes drive they come to the hospital and waiting for doctor to come the said doctor comes and takes some tests with jimin they two waiting for doctor to tell what is the result " mr Jeon it's nothing serious to worry, because of your abortion your heat will come one month  sooner, so these are the symptoms of this, i think after two weeks your heat will come so just prepare for this and your already matted so stay with your mate, because this time it's very painful for you to bear without your alpha " doctor said to them,  omegas comes into heat once in four months and it stays three days, alphas ruts comes once in six months and it stays five days, jimins last heat circular came  one week before the marriage so he have still one month but because of his pregnancy it comes earlier than before and not only that jungkooks rut also coming after four weeks soo.. it's going to be fun. their minds is not in the world jungkook thinking about some illegal activities and jimin thinks about his miscarriage and his longing for his baby, because of the abortion topic he remembers this he couldn't forget his baby, with a sad sigh jimin get up to go jungkook noticed this change so some last words with doctor he left from there jimin waiting for him infront of his car they don't exchange any words after this.

jungkook drives in silent and jimin just sitting and staring out of the window his scent is sore jungkook can't take it anymore so "jimin" he called him and he takes jimins hand in his with one hand on driving wheel he softly caressed jimins hand jimin stars at him "why are you sad all of sudden did i do something" jungkook said with sad eyes " no jungkook it's,.. it's hurts very badly to think about our baby i feel very guilty" jimin said with tears filled eyes "no jimin don't feel like that it's not your fault it's all fully my fault because of me our little our first child gone,.... sorry baby," jungkook said they two stayed in comfortable silent they holding their hands jimin heart fluttered to his alphas action so change the omegas mood jungkook cleared his throat " so jimin how about we try another time" jungkook asked him with a mischievous smile jimin stars at him innocently "what we want to try about alpha" jimin asked and see's jungkooks smirking "i don't like to see you with a sad face jimin, so how about i fill your stomach with my babies than you will be very happy after that " jungkook said with a smile and pressed jimins hand little tight this time jimin reacted with a big wide eyes and red cheeks " so i think we want to work harder for this, so how about we straightly goes for our house and take some leave from office and do over night work on our bed,,.  sounds good right " jungkook said with a teasing smile jimin can't take it anymore his heart beats fastly butterflies dancing in his stomach some illegal thoughts running wildly in his mind he snapped no he didn't want admit himself to jungkook, because fully jimin want to win over him, jungkook want to confess to him about his love, and he wanted to accept him fully, so stop this conversation "no just drop me to my parents house" jimin said coldly jungkook feels very sad because of his omegas bluntness after some time he dropped him out of his omegas mansion and opened the door for jimin, jimin comes to stands infront of jungkook " thank you for the drive" jimin said fidgeting his fingers jungkook leaned on his back on his car and crossed his hands on his chest to see jimin who can't make eye contact with him just seeing everywhere but not him because jimin is very nervous, with a small bye jimin turned to go but suddenly hits jungkooks chest with a sudden pull jungkook pinned his hand on his back and hugs him with one hand jimins one hand on his chest jungkook nuzzled his face on his neck to sniffing his scent fully and he left his hand and puts the hand on his waist he kissed him on his neck and sucking there and slowly he goes to his ear his hot breath does something on jimin he sucks his ears jimin whimpering and jungkook come to kiss his lips their lips attached with each other it's perfectly fits with each other like puzzle peace their lips moving with a slow motion jimins hand roming his alphas chest to feel the hard surface jungkooks hand goes to his inner shirt to feel his omegas skin, jimin flinched in the kiss from the cold touch very long and passionate kiss they parted away, but after some seconds they attached their lips instantly far from them some gourds standing but after seeing them they goes away from them and inside of the mansion jin and Namjoon sees them they also goes away from the place don't want to disturb them so speaking of the kiss the alpha savored his mouth with his tongue jimin moaningly clutched jungkooks black long hair his other hand roaming his alphas chest jungkooks hands clutching jimins ass cheeks and his waist out of breath they parted away they two make a eye contact with each other breathingly   "i miss you baby" jungkook said with longing jimin don't know what to say so he pecked jungkooks lips then tell me alpha you love me and you want to live with me and take me with you please jimin asked in silence he didn't said this soundly but his eyes stares at jungkook with a same longing one last peck he went from there.

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