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Coming back to his home jimin felt like many emotions collides with in him the park mansion is white and grey colour slightly mixed with pink it's looking like big castle, mr and Mrs park and Namjoon and jin lives there before marriage this mansion is filled with happy loughs because why not jimin and jin is the life of the mansion before jin and Namjoon marriage jimin is the one filled mr and Mrs park and Namjoons life with full of happiness after jin joined the family the mansion always heard by their loughs but today there is no happy, all of them hurt because of their little prince is not in the state of joy

Jimin comes to his room with Mrs park and jin they talked to him about doctors advice and tells him open up but he didn't, just he sits on his bed or scroll his phone or just sleeps, he only comes downstairs to eat but he didn't take much just two to three bites only tae jhope and Mr and Mrs Jeon Namjoon all of them tried to talk to him but he doesn't have words to say so he stayed silent in his room

Jungkook knows what he is doing is not the solution but he couldn't get a grip his life is damaged by him his omega hurt because of him he couldn't do anything so come to this place where he always comes to reduce his pain with alcohol and sluts the club, but today he didn't want any sluts for him they are not his jimin to be filled him completely only jimin could do that so he only takes alcohol but the alcohol also couldn't do better some omegas throwing them on him but he pushed them away with glare he didn't want to cheat on jimin, after marriage he many times tried to fuck another omegas but he can't because all time jimins face comes to his mind to remind him of his first night with his omega jimin is the one filled his all the time so he never cheated him but just he kissed his secretary in anger but that did mean to nothing to him, with his drunken state he comes to his mansion mr and Mrs Jeon sitting there in the living hall and see's jungkooks state they didn't exchange any words and jungkook went to his room and laid in his bed cuddling jimins pillow

Next morning jungkook boxing in his Jim room very agressively he has some bruises on his hand because of the non stop hitting but who cares mr Jeon comes to him puts his hands on his shoulder to stop him he can see how is son hurting himself not only him Mrs Jeon also noticed this so he comes to talk to him "jungkook son" mr Jeon called, from the time jungkook turned his body fully and hugs his father crying his heart out.    "let it out jungkook let it out" Mr Jeon said with a pat on his head after crying they two sits on the bench in the Jim room mr Jeon give a water to jungkook he takes a gulp and rested his head on his fathers shoulder "i am sorry dad for disappoint you two" jungkook said with calm voice "no son don't think like that your not a disappoint to me just we are little sad about your attitude towards jimin thats it and we are very proud of you being our son your the best leader of the pack and your most talented CEO of the Jeon companies "mr Jeon said with a small smile " but I failed jimin dad i hurt him i am not a good husband i am not a good mate to him and i am not a good father to my.. first un-born child dad i- am n-ot I am not g-ood for them, they hate me, they dis-gust about me dad " jungkook said shuttering he looks very vulnerable the alpha don't show this side of him to anyone seeing his son like this Mr Jeon can't take it anymore but he wants to steady his sons life "so jungkook how are you going to fix this or you just want to cry and drink like coward... mm tell me son as far as I know my alpha son is not a coward so atleast this time hear what your inner alpha think and do what your heart tells to you and get up like a man " mr Jeon booster is energy with a determined smile and the same determined smile appears jungkooks face he is gonna fix this problem with his omega.

Jimin sitting in his garden with tae and jin beside arguing about who is the most beautiful between them jimin just sitting there with a small smile hearing their bickering, about the time Mrs park come to him " jimin your alpha come to see you so your father asked you to go jungkook come son and jin please make some special lunch for jungkook "Mrs park said them " okay mom don't worry not only jungkook I make best lunch for for all "jin said and went to kitchen along with tae Mrs park come to his room with jimin and went away from there to give them some privacy jimin come to his room open the door to see jungkook stands infront of his graduation photo on the wall his hands on his pockets looks manly like always his musk scent hits like truck oh God how much he missed this,.. jungkook felt jimins presence there jimin stood like always simple and ethereal like angel, but his eyes has no emotions his scent his the most wanted remedy for jungkook, they two make eye contact with each other jimin see's jungkook with a blank eyes but his heart has many thoughts,  from the moment he opened his eyes in hospital bed he only wants to be with his alpha, his safe place, his home, he wants some assurance, but no he didn't forget what happened earlier in the office how his alpha touched other omega infront of his eyes, how he compared him to his sluts, how he mocking his love for jungkook,..all the pain he gives him is unbearable, but he missed him and also he feels guilty towards jungkook to killed his unborn baby yes he thinks like that he blamed himself for this he didn't blame jungkook for this he only blame himself he felt very low of himself he thinks he is not good for jungkook thats why jungkook don't want to be with him,...

after very long starring contest jimin turned his head other side and sits on the bed jungkook also goes to sit beside him he didn't know how to start, with clearing his throat "how are you jimin and.. when are you coming to our house, mom and dad are missing you so much..... me too very much,.. can you tell me when are you coming " jungkook said with a pleading eyes jimins eyes got teary hearing this he wants to believe this his alpha missed him but no he didn't want to hurt again "what are you doing here with one of your sluts jungkook , because your slut is not available anymore so please approach anothers and leave me alone "jimin said not looking at him jungkook heart shattered hearing this from jimin he takes jimins hand on his hand" jimin please don't talk like this i am sorry I don't want to hurt you like this but my anger overpowered me that day, please trust me " jungkook said to jimin and jimin pushed his hands away and get up from the bed "seriously your anger it's just your anger jungkook what angered you by doing this with me tell me what angered you" jimin shouted jungkook sighed and looked at jimin "it's my past,  it's that morning i want to be with you but I got call from pack members so I had to go, from the return to our office I see her,... I sees her jimin who is the couse of my misery my first love i got very angry jimin i don't know what I am doing i just want to reduce my anger so I used this on you i am  sorry please forgive me and trust me i don't want to be like this "jungkook said to jimin goes to near him " but this is not the way jungkook you not only hurt me with your words how can I trust you how? all of the time you just come to me some times hugs me or kissed me after you turned your rude self telling me stay away from you and you make me feel loved by you with your actions and next moment you pushed me away from you your confused me with your actions,.. but I am waiting for you jungkook i am waiting for your love not only just two months it's four years jungkook i am waiting for you four years,.. you know when I i first time meets you in my 18 birthday party you know what my omega felt it's feels like euphoria that is the time I fell in love with you from that day i am stalking you behind your back alpha i don't know why you are sad that time, why are you drinking always,  why are the many omegas and betas with you always i know that your fucked them in a row, i know your ruthless, i know you don't want any commitments, i know you don't have trust in love, but i am not give up on you, i just want you to be happy and i want to be your happiness, all the time i am just watched you from afar,, some times you just sitting in the club's you have many omegas on your lap kissing you sucking you,.. you know how I much hurt i felt it's very painful  that time  I think that is the most painful but no that time your just only my one sided love but after our marriage your my husband jungkook your mate,,... Seeing you kissing another omega infront of my eyes i felt a heart wrecking pain alpha"  jimin crying loudly he collapsed on the floor jungkook want to lift him but he sobbingly stopped him others are hearing his cry from outside but they want to him let out his emotions so they stayed outside.       " ji-min baby please don't cry" jungkook said pleading eyes but jimin don't stop there "i am not enough for you tell me alpha please tell me,... i am not beautiful enough for your liking,... i am not good enough for your title,.. i am not good enough for your pl-pleasure in bed,,.. you don't like me your standard tell me alpha,.. i am not a worthy for your love tell me alpha tell me ,.. they are telling me i am beautiful and very nice very pure and kind well educated but I think I want to be changed the way how you like"jimin frustrating ly said "no jimin  don't please don't your  the best" jungkook cutoff by jimin " no i am not a best, for not only you i am not best for my baby also thats why he, he disappeared in my life thats why he doesn't want to be with me he is gone alpha he is gone"with that jungkook lifts him up and hugs him " no leave me,, leave me" jimin said and tried to get away but jungkook is very strong he holds jimin tightly some times after jimin stopped trying and speak "alpha just answer this question please,..after our marriage don't you feel a love for me a single day ? " jungkook want to answer but before jimin beats him "it's ok I forgot you already answered me with kissing your secer,,..mmph" jimin stopped by jungkooks thin lips landing directly on his lips jungkook kissed him hungrily oh how much he missed this jungkook felt jimin didn't kiss him so he back ups but jimin agressively pulled him by his collar to attached their lips jungkook smiles in their kiss they two eating each other jungkook sucking his lips and bites for entrance jimin gladly opened his mouth jungkook enter his tongue in jimins mouth his hands roming jimins body he clutched his ass his hands goes jimins inner pants jimin moans from the action jungkook pushed jimin on the mattress he hovered over him he again attached their lips the heated moments cut off by the door knocking jimin get up from adjusting his dress and hair  to see who knocks and see smirking tae stands there because of his high moans tae heard clearly about their sinful activities.

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